bossshop book and compass dont want go OFF in other worlds #136

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  • _ForgeUser6935160 created this issue Mar 30, 2014

    Short description about the bug/problem:
    Bossshop book dont want go OFF in other worlds

    What steps will reproduce the problem?

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    What version of BossShop are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened? Please paste it at!
    no error log

    Please provide any additional information below.
    When i used bossshop. You will get in EVERY world the book and the compass, but i want only the book and compass in the spawn world (no bungeecord everything is on 1 server and we have more worlds). I am searching everywhere on internet but i cant find it but we want the bossshop book and compass OFF in the other worlds. Is that possible? (sorry for my bad english my mark on english is a 5 :P) i hope i give you enough information.

  • _ForgeUser6935160 added the tags New Other Mar 30, 2014
  • _ForgeUser8684532 posted a comment Apr 29, 2014

    This isn't BossShop doing it, it is GuiShopManager who is. And a simple fix is to clear the inventory of that player from books and compasses on joining the map (easily done with commandblocks)

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