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    Nov 11, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.6.4-R2.0
  • 1.7.2
  • CB 1.6.4-R1.0


v1.6.3 (BETA):

  • [IMPROVE] Players can't buy Permissions they already bought anymore
  • [ADD] Added an optional feature which hides Items if players don't have permissions for them
  • [ADD] Now you can add more "tags" to the Names/Lores of your Items
    • %balance% will display the current Money Balance of a Player
    • %balancepoints% will display the current Points Balance of a Player
  • [IMPROVE] Enchantments added to "ENCHANTED_BOOK"s now can be used with anvils (Untested. I'll test it tomorrow)


  • [IMPROVE] Now when somebody uses PlayerPoints AND Enjin (Containing Enjin Points) BossShop hooks into PlayerPoints


  • [FIX] Fixed the color mixer (It's creating the Dye colors for leather armor. Before, the blue color was missing.)


  • [ADD] Added Color Support: Now you can define the Color of Leather Armor etc. ("color:<red number>#<green number>#<blue number>")
  • [IMPROVE] Improved the BossShop Reload Feature
  • [FIX] Before BossShop was not able to take damaged Items
  • [FIX] Players are no longer able to sell damaged Flint & Steal (Before it was possible to cheat using them)
  • [FIX] Fixed a little "Melon Seeds Bug"


  • [FIX] Symbol replacement [#]->✹ was changed into []->✹ (Because "#" is already used to "skip" lines in lores)


  • [ADD] Added Enjin Points Support!


  • [FIX] Fixed problems caused by MenuItems which had no lore/name
  • [IMPROVE] BossShop won't reset Config Files containing Mistakes anymore! Instead it will tell the Mistake Line to make your life easier.
  • [NOTE] Ingame Setup is cooming soon!


  • [ADD] Added Symbol Support:
    • [<3] -> ❤
    • [*] -> ★
    • [v] -> ✔
    • [+] -> ♦
    • [] -> ✹
    • [x] -> ✦
    • [o] -> ●


  • [FIX] Fixed a little Tag Bug (The %name% tag was not working properly)
  • [CHANGE] Renamed the %name% tag into %itemname% (%name% is already used to display the player-name)
  • [IMPROVE] Improved the Default Configs, added a few more example Tags


  • [ADD] Added a second Server-Menu (Working with LilyPad) to the default Shop
  • [FIX] Now when closing a shop and the message line is empty, no message is sent (Before an empty line was sent)!


  • [ADD] Added new RewardType: BungeeCordServer. Sends player to the named BungeeCord Server!
  • [ADD] Added a Server-Menu to the default Shops
  • [ADD] Improved a few Default Shop Settings


  • [ADD] Added more "Tags" to the config:
    • %name% - Name of the ShopItem
    • %rewardtype% - The name of the RewardType
    • %reward% - The reward of the ShopItem
    • %pricetype% - The name of the PriceType
    • %price% - The price of the ShopItem
  • [FIX] Now closing all Shop Inventories when the server is reloaded to prevent glitching
  • [FIX] Players are no longer able to sell damaged Leather Armor (Before it was possible to cheat using them)


  • [FIX] BossShop will no longer send "empty" text lines
  • [FIX] Players are no longer able to sell damaged Items (Armor & Tools & Weapons. Before it was possible to cheat using them)


  • [ADD] Added more advanced BossShop API
  • [FIX] Now you can give the Shops all names you want. BossShop is able to detect whether the Inventory is a Shop-Inventory or not.
  • [CHANGE] BossShop now handles the inventories using ids instead of names
  • [ADD] Added new RewardType "Custom" for Plugin Devs
  • [ADD] Added a SellShop to the default shops
  • [NOTE] Ingame Shop-Setup cooming soon!



  • [ADD] PlayerHead support: Just add "playerhead:<name>" to the ItemData to rename your heads!
  • [ADD] New RewardType: PlayerCommand. A list of commands which will be executed by the player.
  • [ADD] An example head and an example Warp-Menu was added to the Default Configs


  • [FIX] Empty messages are no longer sent
  • [FIX] BossShop is now able to detect and take renamed/modified items


  • [FIX] When reloading BossShop the MenuItems were not updated properly
  • [FIX] Was not able to detect the reward number at RewardType Money


  • [IMPROVE] Improves "BugFinder". Now it will find almost all Config Mistakes. It will even try to fix them!
  • [ADD] Added "/bs check" Command which will display information about loaded Shops etc.


  • [REMOVE] Removed the create-example command (It was not really useful)


  • [REWRITE] The whole Inventory system was rewritten. BossShop now supports multiple (infinite) GUIs!
  • [ADD] Added RewardType: shop. It allows you to open an other GUI through an item. Now you can create complex Shop structures with menus etc.
  • [REWRITE] The old Shop examples were removed and new better ones were created!
  • [FIX] Players still needed Permissions even when a Permissions line was empty (The permissions plugin was checking for the "" permission)


  • [ADD] Added a command which allows you to create "ShopItem" examples with all kinds of RewardTypes and PriceTypes: /BossShop createExample <name> <rewardType> <priceType>


  • [ADD] Added PriceType: "free". Now you can allow your players to get ShopItems for free!


  • Release

None. Tell me if you find any!