BorderVisualizer 1.0.6
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UploadedJul 2, 2013
Size168.01 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.6.1
- CB 1.5.2-R1.0
Version Changes
- Updated to 1.6 (but still works on 1.5.2)
- Fixed several bugs
- Fixed compatibility bug for 1.5.2
- Added Wand support for Rectangle shapes (Griefprevention)
- Adding base for anti-over flood (under construction)
1.0.5 BETA
- Wands are now cooler then the /zonemaker glass wand in War plugin :)
- Added support for WAR (a.k.a. /warhub)
- Added support for Residence
- Detected some bugs, but not fixed yet (see caveats)
- Default viewTypes are now loaded from config with /bv
1.0.4 BETA
- Added BorderVisualize Wand (use /bv.. with wooden hoe equipped) BETA
- Please let me know how it goes :s.. (does not work on griefprevention yet)
- Fixed several bugs
- Added support for Factions (faction, factionblock)
- Fixed permission nodes [Will be added to list soon]
1.0.3 ALPHA
- Added support for Regions-Region /bv regions OR /bv region (when WG not found)
- Fixed dependency bug using /bv town,townblock ,...
- Added /bv reload to reload config
- Added /bv help , and /bv admin (admin help)
-- bordervisualizer.administrator
- bordervisualizer.moderator
- bordervisualizer.user
1.0.2 ALPHA
- Added support for GriefPrevention claims /bv griefprevention
- Fixed dependency bug using /bv
- Fixed some messages
1.0.1 ALPHA
- Fixed configuration bug
- Added notification on /reload (for open views)
- Added toggle by using the command again
1.0.0 ALPHA
- First development release
- Regions Region's will not work for Poly regions (bugged)
- /reload will not remove open view's and requires a relog to remove
- /bv permissions, /bv update are not implemented yet
- Large towns, regions with walls instead of frames will lagg->crash the client and server
- Some command that are not meant to be used in the console will give an error
- The wand (Wooden Hoe) is not fully tested yet
- 1x1 regions will kick the player (cuz it sends 4 times the same corner blockchange)