This is a plugin that lets you read and write books. There are other similar plugins available, but this one is a bit different. This plugin lets you read and write to the actual book items, rather than just affecting bookshelf blocks. The books' text will actually be stored with the book item. In order for this to work, I have made it so books are not stackable.
Minecraft Built-In Written Books
Since Minecraft version 1.3, written books have been built into the game. They have a nice GUI and work well enough for most players and servers. This plugin was created long before that. It is still available and maintained mostly for those servers who still want to keep their old books intact, and for a few who prefer this version over the official books.
I will most likely continue to support this plugin as long as there are those who still use it, but I will not be adding any new features. Any new releases will simply be bug fix updates.
If you are looking for a plugin that enhances the functionality of Minecraft's built-in books, there are many plugins available. Here is just a small selection:
- SwissBook - Adds several features, such as editing already written books and creating a server manual
- BookShelf - Allows placing books in bookshelves
- BookRules - Create a rule book
- BookShop - Allows players to publish and sell their books
Installation and Configuration
Simply copy the jar file into your plugins folder and run your server. Optionally, you can also install the Spout plugin. Adding Spout will allow SpoutCraft users to see book titles on the book tooltip and read books in a GUI instead of in the chat area. Spout is not required for this plugin to work.
View the Configuration page for information about the various options in the config.yml file. View the Permissions page to see the permission nodes this plugin has available.
Usage Statistics
This plugin uses a system to keep track of its usage statistics. This is the same system used by other plugins such as LWC and Vault. Every half hour it "calls home" and reports some basic usage information, like how many players are online, how many pages have been read, and how many lines have been written. You can see the graphs here:
If you would like to opt out, you can do so by setting the enable-usage-stat-collection option to false in the config file.
This plugin uses the /bookworm command, but it has the /bw and /write commands as aliases. The in-game help is designed to be, well, helpful. Using the command without any arguments will give you context-sensitive help.
To start writing a book, you hold a book in your hand and type /write <title>. You can then use /write <text> to add text to your book. If chat mode is enabled, you can also just chat without using the command to write into the book, as long as you're holding the book. You can use a double-colon :: to create a paragraph. As you write, the plugin will break your text into pages for you.
You can place a book in a bookshelf by left-clicking on the bookshelf with your book in hand. You can get a copy of a book from a bookshelf with left-click, and you can remove a book from a bookshelf with shift-left-click.
When creating a copy of a book, by default the plugin creates a "fake" copy. Any changes made to the original will also show up in the copy, and any changes made to the copy will show up in the original. This includes adding new text, changing the title, erasing text, or any other modification. You can change this behavior by setting the make-real-copy option in the configuration file to true. If you choose to do this, you should be aware that each copy will then take up hard drive space, and "book space". There is a current limit of about 32,000 books.
You can read a book by holding it and right-clicking the air. You can read a book in a bookshelf by right-clicking the bookshelf.
There are some special commands available while writing a book.
- /write -help : shows this list of commands
- /write -chat : toggle chat write mode
- /write -read <page> : read the specified page
- /write -author <author: sets the displayed author (this is just the displayed author, the real author will stay the same)
- /write -title <new title> : change a book's title
- /write -undo : Undo your last write action. Only has one level of undo. Things that can be undone: written text, replacements, erasings.
- /write -erase <text> : erases the specified text from the book
- /write -replace <old text> -> <new text> : replaces text
- /write -eraseall : erases all text from the book
- /write -get <id> : gets the book with the given id
- /write -id : gets the id of the currently held book
- /write -delete <id> : completely deletes the book with the specified id
My original (somewhat outdated) tutorial video:
A review by zSistine:
Recent Changes
You can view the full change log here.
I just installed the 1.12 test version. That one works, sorry for the hassle.
I assumed the 1.11 would work as it was "updated for R5" but it didn't :(
Thanks for helping me out! :)
What version of BookWorm are you using? I'm guessing you're using an old version.
I reduced the spawn protection area to 0. I'm not an OP, but I gave the permissions.
I'll try giving myself op just for the sake of it.
EDIT: tried with OP, didn't help. It's not just the placement, it's reading, too. Rightclicking does nothing at all. :(
It seems to work fine for me. Are you perhaps in the spawn protection area and not an op?
Thanks for this plugin! I do, however, have an issue with it.
I'm currently running a 1.2.3 dev build and for some reason, all the clicking interactions are broken :(
I tried disabling all other plugins, but to no avail.
Writing books and reading them works with /write -read
Clicking does nothing, though. And thus, placing in bookshelves is impossible.
EDIT: Did they maybe change something about the "PlayerInteractEvent"? Rename it or something? I'm getting a bunch of errors containing that line.
You can! It's done using a permission plugin. Whatever group that you don't want to have access to remove books just change both of these to true.
bookworm.remove.others bookworm.remove.own
Any plan to introduce color code markup in the books? That would be grand.
Is there an option to make hitting (Left-clicking) remove the book and shift-clicking get a book without removing it? I think that would make more sense...
Try this version out:
Do you think the spout independence for better stacking will be out within a week? This is the only plugin still keeping me tethered to the ever-problem-causing spoutplugin D;
Is it possible to stop people removing books from a bookshelf?
Uhh, I seemed to have missed something. Again updating everything to the latest builds and now it's working fine. Thx a lot!
I'm very excited to rid myself of Spoutplugin!
Looking forward to the update that enables the better stacking without spout :D
I'm pretty sure 1.11 works with 1.2. Can you tell me what isn't working about it?
Please release a version for 1.2 soon :-) It's the last of our 52 plugins not working with latest craftbukkit dev build ;-)
Yes, there is! As of R6 I finally have access to inventory actions. Expect an update soon.
is there any way to implement the improved item stacking without spout?
A lot of plugins have moved away from spout dependencies, and this is the only one I have that still depends on Spout.
10 is a and 15 is f. You should use the letter codes now, not the number codes.
I thought the same, but I looked at the table and the config file, the config file has 10 and 15 as the text colors, there's no color by those numbers on the list of Minecraft Text Colors anywhere
Use the command /bw -author <author>
It's the standard colors 0-f that are used everywhere in Minecraft. Do a google search for Minecraft text color or something.