
Commands and permissions

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BO3Tools currently has two commands. The permission bo3tools.all gives access to all commands. Server operators automatically have this permission.

whitespace hack


/exportbo3 <name> [--includeair] [--includetileentities] [--noleavesfix]

This command exports your WorldEdit selection as a BO3. The BO3 will be placed in the plugins/TerrainControl/GlobalObjects folder. The name will be prefixed with we- (WorldEdit) to not overwrite existing BO3s. The name of the player who used the command will be used as the author of the BO3.

BO3Tools sets the origin of the BO3 object at the center of the bottom of the selection. If you aren't happy with that, just click a block with a wooden hoe before using the command to use that block as the center.

By default the BO3 won't have air blocks included. If your BO3 needs to replace other materials with air make sure that you append --includeair to the command. You can also add --includetileentities to the command to export the contents of chests and other containers.

User placed leave blocks won't decay in Minecraft. This is a problem when generating copies of custom-built trees, as the leaves won't decay. BO3Tools fixes this by clearing the "no-decay"-bit when saving a BO3. However, if you want your BO3 to have pernament leaves, you can append --noleavesfix to the command.

It's also possible to add "BlockChecks" to the BO3. Before you execute the command, right click a block with glowstone dust to make it a spawn requirement for the BO3: the BO3 will only generate if such a block is at that (relative) position. If you want to remove the block check, left click the block with glowstone dust.

whitespace hack


/convertbo2 <name>
hack to fix table alignment@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

This command converts the selected BO2 to a BO3. It will convert the block list and most of the settings. BO3Tools looks in both the GlobalObjects folder and the WorldObjects folder of your current world. It places the file in the plugins/TerrainControl/GlobalObjects folder. It will add -converted to the name. If a player issued the command, his/her name will be used as the author of the BO3. If the console (or anything else that isn't a player) issued the command the author will be set to `Unknown`.


/convertallbo2 [worldName/global]
hack to fix table alignment@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

This command converts all BO2s in a world or in the GlobalObjects folder to BO3s. Conversion process is the same as for the /convertbo2 command.