This plugin will add a blood moon event to your server, each night has a configurable chance of a blood moon. During a blood mood the game is made a lot harder:
- Skeletons shoot faster.
- Skeletons shoot fire arrows (that start fires).
- Zombies spawn with weapons and armor.
- Mobs can break blocks when focused on a player.
- Hostile mobs have more health.
- Small chance of your sword taking massive damage with each strike.
- Creepers have much more powerful explosions (that cause fire).
- Any hostile mob killed has a small chance of coming back as a zombie (or other mob).
- A mob will spawn if you try to sleep.
- More mobs will spawn.
- Mobs will drop more XP when killed.
- Mobs will drop more items when killed
- Mobs will target players from further away
- Mobs will move faster
- Custom texture pack during a bloodmoon, the default one makes the moon red.
All of the features can be configured for each world. See the config section for more information.
Bug Reports / Suggestions
If you find a bug, encounter a problem or have a suggestion, please fill out a ticket via the Tickets link above. I do not have the time to read through the comments section, any comment that fits the previous three categories will be ignored.
- /bloodmoon start - Starts a bloodmoon event.
- /bloodmoon stop - Stops a current bloodmoon event.
- /bloodmoon next - Schedules a bloodmoon for the next night.
- bloodmoon.admin.start - Allows the player to manually start a bloodmoon
- bloodmoon.admin.stop - Allows the player to manually stop a bloodmoon
- bloodmoon.admin.ignore-world-lock - Allows the player to leave the world even if the bloodmoon is active and the lock-in-world feature is enabled
All of these default to OPs only.
Information relating to the config file for this plugin can be found on the config page.
Potential Conflicts
Due to limitations of the Bukkit API, this plugin has to override certain methods from the Minecraft source. If any other plugin replaces the same things it will not be compatible with BloodMoon and weird stuff may happen ! You would still be able to use both plugins but you would need to disable the break-blocks option in the config file, even them some features of either plugin may not work properly.
Contributions to the project are very much welcome, if you have a feature that you want implemented and know a nice way to do it then consider forking the repo and submitting a pull request. These will be accepted as long as the following simple guidelines are followed.
- Do not edit the structure of the pom.xml file, feel free to add a dependency if you need it but the formatting and structure should not be changed.
- If you are exposing a new API method, add a JavaDoc comment to it, but don't over-comment internal code.
- Follow the existing code style, don't antagonise over every space though !
All dependencies that are used are now available from a public Maven repo, so you don't have to worry about building several other projects just to add a simple change any more.
Source Code
Dev Builds
Changes Since Last Release
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
+1 HS in 1.7.5
It worked with 1.7.2, it breaks as of 1.7.5. I rolled the JAR file for my server back to 1.7.2 for the moment (the 1.7.5 clients don't mind), here's hoping this plugin gets updated to work with 1.7.5! Otherwise, the only thing similar I can see is a convoluted mess of MonsterEffects (also no longer developed), OtherDrops, and maybe Corruption.
And just when I'd gotten the difficulty level where I wanted it... le sigh
I had a player bitch that he couldn't mine 30 seconds without getting attacked and I said "Yes! That means I finally have it where it should be!"
Latest dev build not working in the latest craftbukkit build (1.7.5).
Really wish someone would pick this up and update it, as a lot of people love it :(
i keep getting error unable to load...for 1.7.2
You guys, I think you should use the Jenkins build, they seem to be working fine for me, but in case, back up your server
Hello !
Can you add some features like stop using commands (written in config file) when entering dongeons ? Like /home (or other) cause some users goes to chest, give all and type /home after !!!
thanks ! ;)
Its open source, Im sure a skilled developer can clean it up
I'm pretty sure this plugin is dead...
Can you add the possibility to have mythicdrops objects in dungeons or mobs in the blood moon? :)
When I download the plugin it generates the file but not the configuration files inside. Does anybody know whats wrong
I'm using the latest Dev build #108 and I'm getting reports that Blood Moons are virtually every night, I currently have the setting at 5, which should be 5%, is something different in the Dev builds vs the public one?
Can we expect a reliable build for 1.7 in the near future?
Yes, All worlds have their own config and BM is disabled by default, simply enable it only in the world you desire.
is it possible to make it a blodmoon on a single world?
Great plugin, adds tons of fun.
Quick question; is there a way to dissable all the error messages from the bloodmoon plugin i get on my serverconsole? i keep getting alot of diffrent errors, however the plugin itself works fine.
thx in advance.
edit; using latest build on a 1.6. server, if that's any help.
I do, the plugin sometimes launches without any errors but after short period of time it crashes
You have to use the latest Development build with 1.7.x.
Did you ever find a fix for that? I'm at that point right now..
Plugin breaks using 1.7.2 Please update, plugin is awesome tho !
This isn't working. It generates a folder but no config.yml and it doesn't appear in the plugins. Help, I really need this plugin. :(