iSafe v2.71
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UploadedJun 15, 2012
Size239.93 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R4.0
- Files now displays the date when they were generated in the headers. (Note that this will be a false date if the file already exist before this update)
- Added a comment node to the SpawnerEgg blacklist displaying to not use SpawnerEgg IDs but creature IDs.
- Improved the Stopserver command to check if there is players online, and if so; kick them and send them a message.
- Fixed InvalidConfigurationException on userFile generation.
- Added 'iSafe.enchant' permission.
- Added prevention for creative players from enchanting items.
- Added prevention for BlockGrow.
- Supports 1.2.5-R4.0
Configuration files wich is already generated before this update will return with a false generation date. (Don't worry, this is not harmfull)