Supported Bukkit Versions
- Completely fixed all NullPointerExceptions within interaction events.
- Re-wrote interaction preventions and re-did the config nodes.
- Fixed crop trampling.
- Fixed MobSpawnBlacklist not working at all.
- Removed un-needed file creations.
- Cleaned the Update notify on join.
- Removed user entity ID in the user files.
- Removed getChatColor in the Data class.
- Fixed compatibility issues with blacklists.
- Fixed NullPointerExceptions and the vehicle preventions.
- Removed manually catching exception during DataFolder creation.
- Removed event registering of the Main class, when no need for it.
- Changed "running" to "using" in the update check.
- Made infinite-itemstacks look more like infinite.
- Fixed some typos.
- Added prevention for items spawning inside vehicles.
- Changed isafe motd default boolean from true to false.
- Added some null checks for the blacklists.
- Fixed a typo making the reload command not working.
- Supports 1.2.5-R1.2.