This plugin is designed to stop blank, symbol, and un-readable in-game names. When a player with the name "你好你好你好你好" joins the plugin will instantly kick them. Or if a player joins the game with a strange spaced out name such as "bobbob bobbob" the plugin will also, instantly kick them. The plugin was developed to stop these strange names from my server, but i decided that if I'm having this problem others are to!
- Light Weight on server
- Character whitelist
- Kicks names with spaces instantly
- Kicks names with strange characters instantly
- Kicks names with symbols instantly
Nothing, leave some suggestions below?
None, please report any bugs!
- Config Added
- New character whitelist added
First release v0.1
I tried to allow people with "_" but it did not work.
What's the Problem? I would really love if someone could help me out with this one
Example: rsshelas_fun will be blocked from the server
Config File:
--Put characters here to legalize them!--#Please put them inside the quotation mark# legalcharacters: "[a-zA-Z0-9_]"@Hans6666
No, that may come soon though
ok, so i can disable players which have the word "asshole" in their name? how do i do that?
my config looks like this:
--Put characters here to legalize them!--#Please put them inside the quotation mark# legalcharacters: "[a-zA-Z0-9_?!/><`*=+|(]*"i cant put blocked words or something....
Not sure what your talking about sorry, There is a config, you can remove/add more characters
Please add costumisable names( you can add names you don't want, even if it is OP)
V1.1 Released!
wondering how many Chinese developers are in bukkit now:)
For example their name is: asjkf asfdjf
Just ban them by using: "asjkf asfdjf"
I'll update it for as long as i can :) Download should be available in about 4 hours depending on bukkit staff!
This would be great for my server! Last time some griefer joined, I couldn't ban or teleport to him, probably because of an unreadable character. I support this and hope it keeps getting updated for many builds to come. :)