This plugin is designed to stop blank, symbol, and un-readable in-game names. When a player with the name "你好你好你好你好" joins the plugin will instantly kick them. Or if a player joins the game with a strange spaced out name such as "bobbob bobbob" the plugin will also, instantly kick them. The plugin was developed to stop these strange names from my server, but i decided that if I'm having this problem others are to!
- Light Weight on server
- Character whitelist
- Kicks names with spaces instantly
- Kicks names with strange characters instantly
- Kicks names with symbols instantly
Nothing, leave some suggestions below?
None, please report any bugs!
- Config Added
- New character whitelist added
First release v0.1
Then everything is right xD
Runs with 1.8 :D
Awesome plugin dude, keep it up!. I suggest adding something to block an specific string in the config. such as block anything that has "penis" in name
Help, anyone with a space in their name is unable to connect to the server
could put a config language? I could translate it to Spanish
Is this compatible with the current minecraft release?
Google for RegEx ... this explains all ;)
It either doesn't work like its supposed to or you haven't given us enough information about config.
The plugin when used in my server, only works using the default config.
Why are there multiple asterisks in the config and what are the brackets doing?
No need, the plugin functions perfectly.
update !
You just save my server was with a bug when someone enter with charmechulo
like my nick is charmechulo so if you register a account in my server with charmechulo or /charmechulo they will have access to charmechulo inventory
that real sucks...PLease Keep the plugin alive...!!! you save my life
How about functionality to be able to block certain names that contain swears, ect ect?
It feels really uncomfortable when someone named "***YOUDIE" joins the game. :/
Are you keeping it between the quotes?
You need to do it like this
"[a-zA-Z0-9_?!/>*/-,.<`*=+|(]*" Within the quotes
Im having problems blocking certain characters, whenever i try to 'illegalise' the / by removin it from the legal commands list, everyone cannot join as it says you have illegal characters e.t.c
Can i get some help with this.
It would be great if i can set a custom kick message
Works fine with 1.3.1 so far.
make an update please :)
legalcharacters: "[a-zA-Z0-9_?!/><`*=+|(]*"
Did not work :(
do "[a-zA-Z0-9]_"