I haven't updated this plugin in a while due to misplacing the source code. The plugin should still work with the latest version of bukkit without any errors, the only issue with the plugin is that it does not have the blocks that were added to Minecraft after version 1.3.4
I may pick this back up and rewrite it in the future but as of now I'll just mark this as inactive.
This plugin will allow server administrators to use permission nodes to prevent players/groups from placing and breaking certain blocks.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bp.stone they will not be able to place that block.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bb.stone they will not be able to break that block.
Prevent Block Place - Example:
- bp.diamondblock
- bp.tnt
- bp.enchantmenttable
Prevent Block Break - Example:
- bb.diamondblock
- bb.tnt
- bb.enchantmenttable
- All Permission nodes can be found on this page.
Many plugins that are similar to this are based around anti-griefing by disabling the likes of TNT, lavablock and water etc but with BlockPermissions administrators have full control over every placeable block and what groups can place/break what blocks.
To Do List:
- Group certain blocks into single permission nodes
Upload the first, stable release candidate for 1.2.5 R.4
Configurable denied access message when block is placed by someone without the required permission node
- Global and per-world blacklist for certain blocks
- Add block interaction permissions for doors, levers, command blocks etc.
Use the false to disable block placing and breaking.
I just tested the wool issue you mentioned and it is working for me with all wool types on my test server without any other plugins.
Have you got the permissions bp.wool: true in your config? Of the few blocks that have not been added yet are still placeable. If there is any specific one you would like added A.S.A.P please reply and I will add it.
can you also make it so if they cant build they can't destroy? 1.1 seems to work! just some blocks that doesn't have perm so far wont be able to place at all and even though i dont have any entry about bp.wool, somehow wool is still unable to place
I'll that to the to-do list
My submission hasn't updated yet but you can get 1.1a here
bp.* is not working? <- my config for a group in perms
Precisely. The 1.0a version is opposite though where true = not restricted
I've changed this in 1.1a though
ahh that makes sense, so true = restricted ahhhh
Rather than make additional nodes you can just set the permission true or false on a per world basis if you're using a groups permission globally. If you're not using global permissions you won't even need to set any permissions to false in your other worlds
Here's an example
it would be cool if it had both so that in the creative world, they can build whatever but in like public areas they can only build certain blocks (like signs in trading areas) and in survival they can build a wide range of things, but limit only some (like tnt)
that would be amazing :3
In the current alpha, if you HAVE the permission you will be able to place the block. Without the permission you cannot place the block. I will put up v1.1a today with the permissions inverted so if you HAVE the permission you Can't place the block. This version will also have more block types
theres a slight bug when i set bp.cobble to false i wont be able to build but if i remove that entry from the config.yml in permissions i still aren't allowed to build that block only until i set bp.cobble back to true will i be able to build that block again, and still able after i remove that entry
im heading to bed now, will test this first thing i wake!
lol fuck sleep downloaded and tested it works like a charm! to clear a possible confusion bp.stone true means you CAN place a stone block bp.stone false means you CANNOT place a stone block
Submitted the first alpha build now. Awaiting approval
EDIT: Approved seconds after posting this :P
I hope to add an alpha up soon that you can try out. Will be officially supporting BukkitPermissions but I'll make my way to other permission plugins if there's a demand.
You can use multiword permissions to prevent the block being placed by groups/players in the specified world.
i would love this! this is just what i need!
also also please add white/black listing options for per world and per group for permissions i would love this plugin! i can't find a good one that does this around here!