I haven't updated this plugin in a while due to misplacing the source code. The plugin should still work with the latest version of bukkit without any errors, the only issue with the plugin is that it does not have the blocks that were added to Minecraft after version 1.3.4
I may pick this back up and rewrite it in the future but as of now I'll just mark this as inactive.
This plugin will allow server administrators to use permission nodes to prevent players/groups from placing and breaking certain blocks.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bp.stone they will not be able to place that block.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bb.stone they will not be able to break that block.
Prevent Block Place - Example:
- bp.diamondblock
- bp.tnt
- bp.enchantmenttable
Prevent Block Break - Example:
- bb.diamondblock
- bb.tnt
- bb.enchantmenttable
- All Permission nodes can be found on this page.
Many plugins that are similar to this are based around anti-griefing by disabling the likes of TNT, lavablock and water etc but with BlockPermissions administrators have full control over every placeable block and what groups can place/break what blocks.
To Do List:
- Group certain blocks into single permission nodes
Upload the first, stable release candidate for 1.2.5 R.4
Configurable denied access message when block is placed by someone without the required permission node
- Global and per-world blacklist for certain blocks
- Add block interaction permissions for doors, levers, command blocks etc.
Ooooh Will! I'm very excited about this plugin. I have been using an exp plugin to allow players to earn exp for mining. I had to turn off all blocks except stone because it was too easy to abuse the system. With BP I can just disable all ore types from being placed and voila! Exp for my miners. Thank you!!
I'm glad this is proving useful for you Joe! Subscribe for updates as I'll be redoing some code to make this even more lightweight a long with some more features :-)
Hey Will, it's Joe here! Great plugin, really gave my upcoming Adventure server a boost until the 1.3 Adventure mode comes out! Thanks a ton :D
I think you're looking for the plugin GriefPrevention.
It does just that!
Maybe you should be able to do a hole area, eg. build a platform, and mark 2-4 corners, and no body apart from you could break it, instead of having to do it over and over, I'm not sure if this has already been added, correct me if I'm wrong...
I like that idea. I'll add it to the to-do list and we'll hopefully see it very soon!
I think a really cool feature would be to do this but also allow someone to use permissions such as bp.1 or bb.1 rather than bp.stone Also, in conjuction with that feature, you could allow bp.1 or bb.1 to refer to whichever block on the server happens to have the item id of 1. In this case it is stone, but if you added extra (custom) blocks to your server, then by setting the permission as the id number essentially lets you set permissions for custom blocks as well, based off of their item ids. Thanks for your time.
Uploaded v1.1
- MobEggs have been added and can be disabled with a permission node
- Configurable message for Mob Eggs
- Plugin Metrics added as you can see with the graph above
Sorry for the delay, I've been busy IRL.
I've just uploaded a new build with the BlockBreak permissions. I will have another build out hopefully tomorrow with the mob eggs permissions and maybe the universal * permission.
hows the release coming along? can't wait for the new features to come out :3
cool :3
that would be great!
bp.* will be in the next build which will be sometime this week.
I'll put that on the todo list and get around to it when I can. I'll probably separate the breaking blocks into separate permissions like
bb.stone (Prevent BlockBreak of stone) bp.stone (Prevent BlockPlace of stone)
thats great! i'm waiting for the bp.* :3
and by any chance will the destroy permissions be implemented with the build perms? maybe a setting in the config so that if a user can't place blocks they can't destroy that particular block? that would be amazing :D
Oops. Just added signs + signposts under the permissions bp.sign
EDIT: I'll have bp.* soon. I'm just trying to figure out how I can implement effectively
is bp.* in yet? seems to have no effect also bp.sign please :3
Before v1.2a was approved I brought this plugin up to the first beta release.
New features and more permissions available for administrators
If the plugin hasn't been approved by the time of you reading this you can get it here.
Uploaded v1.2a (pending approval)
Issue with OPs having all the permission nodes which prevents them from placing any blocks has been addressed.
When I have added the remaining blocks I will upload the first beta. Then I will get cracking on the To Do List.
That is because if you are OP you will have all the permissions for BlockPermissions which subsequently means you won't be able to place any blocks.
This will be fixed in v.1.2a
there are some seemingly random blocks that OPs cannot place... examples are wool and redstone torch and a few others... when i'm op i cannot place them, but when i deop myself, it seems to work again
@Willbbz false also disallows people to build blocks and interact with buttons/lever/pressureplates at all what i like out of a your plugin is the control of what to place
basically what i need to do is i have a starter world where ppl gather up when they start and i want for them to able to place SIGNS and interact with buttons, but NOT destroy anything EXCEPT the signs they've placed
and i really wish your plug can allow me to do so