I haven't updated this plugin in a while due to misplacing the source code. The plugin should still work with the latest version of bukkit without any errors, the only issue with the plugin is that it does not have the blocks that were added to Minecraft after version 1.3.4
I may pick this back up and rewrite it in the future but as of now I'll just mark this as inactive.
This plugin will allow server administrators to use permission nodes to prevent players/groups from placing and breaking certain blocks.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bp.stone they will not be able to place that block.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bb.stone they will not be able to break that block.
Prevent Block Place - Example:
- bp.diamondblock
- bp.tnt
- bp.enchantmenttable
Prevent Block Break - Example:
- bb.diamondblock
- bb.tnt
- bb.enchantmenttable
- All Permission nodes can be found on this page.
Many plugins that are similar to this are based around anti-griefing by disabling the likes of TNT, lavablock and water etc but with BlockPermissions administrators have full control over every placeable block and what groups can place/break what blocks.
To Do List:
- Group certain blocks into single permission nodes
Upload the first, stable release candidate for 1.2.5 R.4
Configurable denied access message when block is placed by someone without the required permission node
- Global and per-world blacklist for certain blocks
- Add block interaction permissions for doors, levers, command blocks etc.
What permissions plugin are you using? I use PermissionsBukkit when testing this plugin and have not set up any wildcards such as bb.* or bp.*
The only thing I can think for in your situation is to negate all of BlockPermissions perms or else remove '*' and just play as an OP.
The poll seems very one sided so it's likely I will add the block IDs too the plugin.
I will look into defining each specific mob egg such that bp.mobegg stops all mob eggs and bp.mobegg.cow will stop just cow mobeggs.
My Owner group has -"*" and im getting You are not allowed to place this block, why is this and what can i do to fix it?
Sadly, it's faster in my mind to identify and type a block ID than to type its name at this point. 89 > 'glowstone,' 116 >>>>> 'enchantmenttable.' So yes to the ID addition poll.
I actually think that would be a good idea, to be able to set permissions on each unique block ID. I haven't found any way to do that, other than switching to PEX, which I don't want to do.
Quite simply, I'd like to be able to block people from placing a few specific blocks, such as 97:0, 97:1, and 97:2. I'd also prefer to be able to block those silverfish blocks WITHOUT also blocking all the Mob Eggs, because I use a separate plugin to manage Eggs.
I'm not sure if it's worth the time adding the permission nodes for IDs as well as the block names. Either way, I've put a poll on the plugin so if many people want this, I'll add it.
I'm trying to restrict some items on my Tekkit server; is there a way to block something by block ID, rather then by name?
Can you reply with the Block IDs that are the IDs of the Silverfish block?
I have re checked V1.2.1 and it prevents you from placing item ID 97 , 91.1, 97.2 and 97.3
I used the version in that link, added the bp.mobeggs: true permission into my permissions file, but I can still place those Silverfish spawning blocks. So that might not work right. =/
I just fixed this. It now treats Monster spawning blocks as mob eggs so use the permission bp.mobeggs
Download V1.2.1 here until it gets approved by bukkit
EDIT: If a group/user is inheriting the permissions you must invert it by setting it to false. I use PermissionsBukkit with my server but all major permissions plugins should support this.
Does this have a way to block the Silverfish spawning Monster-Egg-Blocks, which are now easily accessible in the new creative inventory list?
Edit: Also, if I give a lower ranking player some bp permissions, will higher users with inheritance, inherit that? Or can I simply add a false permission to counter it?
Uploaded V1.2 that addresses the problem with placing lava and adds the new 1.3 blocks to the plugin.
Just added Emerald Ore to the plugin. (bp.emeraldore)
I haven't played Adventure Mode yet so I'm not too sure I understand. This should work for adventure mode so long as you are using craftbukkit.
Added Ender chests (bp.enderchest)
Very awesome! With this plugin I can make that only who has the job Miner can break ores! It was what I needed! Please continue the great job! ;)
Any way to implement the Adventure Mode from minecraft 1.3.1 to block placement of blocks? In the adventure mode it wont even allow the player to right click (does nothing when right clicked) but normal minecraft or these types of plugins allow player to place the blocks but just disappears in a sec or two. Basically when blocking placement of blocks, it should act like the Adventure Mode in minecraft 1.3.1.
Looking forward to an update on this, It will be useful to block Ender Chests from my creative worlds so that people can't cheat items into the survival worlds.
It's fixed in the next update. I've also added new permissions as requested so players can use bp.1 to block stone and bp.17 to block logs.
It'll be out after the first recommended build of craftbukkit 1.3 so it'll include the new blocks added to the game like tripwires, emerald block etc..
For some reasons it doesn't work, very strange ... Everything else works perfectly but the bp.lava just doesn't ...
Just add the permission node to the group or player bp.lava
Is there a command to block placement of lava? If not, it would be a gr8 add ...
Please add more blocks (bed, sandstone types, stone brick types, etc) also option to disable message sent to player when he/she places or destroys a block.
Yay! :D
I'm glad this is useful for you!