I haven't updated this plugin in a while due to misplacing the source code. The plugin should still work with the latest version of bukkit without any errors, the only issue with the plugin is that it does not have the blocks that were added to Minecraft after version 1.3.4
I may pick this back up and rewrite it in the future but as of now I'll just mark this as inactive.
This plugin will allow server administrators to use permission nodes to prevent players/groups from placing and breaking certain blocks.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bp.stone they will not be able to place that block.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bb.stone they will not be able to break that block.
Prevent Block Place - Example:
- bp.diamondblock
- bp.tnt
- bp.enchantmenttable
Prevent Block Break - Example:
- bb.diamondblock
- bb.tnt
- bb.enchantmenttable
- All Permission nodes can be found on this page.
Many plugins that are similar to this are based around anti-griefing by disabling the likes of TNT, lavablock and water etc but with BlockPermissions administrators have full control over every placeable block and what groups can place/break what blocks.
To Do List:
- Group certain blocks into single permission nodes
Upload the first, stable release candidate for 1.2.5 R.4
Configurable denied access message when block is placed by someone without the required permission node
- Global and per-world blacklist for certain blocks
- Add block interaction permissions for doors, levers, command blocks etc.
Uploaded BlockPermissions V1.3.2
Change Log V1.3.2
- Fixed permissions for the following blocks: Iron Doors, Wooden doors, Smoothstone Brick and Planks.
- bp.lava will now block lava block and lava buckets. The same goes for bp.water
- Wooden Planks permission node has changed from bp.wood to bp.plank
All bugs that were PM'd to me or posted below as of now with the exception of signs have been fixed.
I will be adding Block Interact for switches, levers, doors etc. in the coming updates.
Different texture packs do not affect the plugin. The damage values such as 17.1 and 17.2 are all blocked if you add the permission bp.17 (or bp.log)
it may prohibit a block type id: 17:1 or 17:2 for different texture ??
can you also add block interact? that would be nice :)
I hope you see this plugin though, it is so simple yet useful!
After installing Grief Prevention I ve had some issues on PermissionsBukkit.
Then started searching the reason why permissions were being messed all up. Unfortunately found that BlockPermissions was the reason. Then I ve had it removed from plugins folder and now the server is running ok.
I did a little digging, you have 'smoothstonebrick' set as block 97, which is actually a silverfish block rather than the actual smoothstonebrick which is 98.
Now, if I could just figure out how to edit and recompile the correction :/
Water and lava arent accessible ingame. Why not block their buckets instead?
Maybe this is irrevelant, but I have read that 'stone brick' is actually called 'stonebricksmooth' in game because cobble's technical name is 'stone brick'. Now I notice you have an item called 'smoothstonebrick', which is not quite the same as 'stonebricksmooth'.
Could this be an issue?
Im building a prison, and I would like to be able to prevent prisoners from being able to break the materials it is made of... mostly stone brick and its variants.
bb.81 wont work (item 81 is cactus).
::edit:: it works, on cactus
I dont understand why you dont just scrap the confusing names and just go with the item numbers. If someone is smart enough to run a minecraft server and edit permission files, im pretty sure they can fine the item id of each block.
For grouping items do it by say which covers all the sub variants of stone brick (98:1)
@OrokaSempai I believe mossy stone is grouped with circle stone and smooth stone brick which is bp.81
All nodes are on this pagehere
Hey, im a little confused.
How do you do blocks like mossy stone brick? you dont have names for them, and I cant do something like bb.98 or bb.98:1? I got bb.stone to work, the stuff that has names... but that is it. Am I doing something wrong?
So, I have to put on Permissions plugin all the nodes for each group?
What is the default? true or false?
I am having issues here, that neither the OPs can build.
Just use bp.mobeggs until the next release so and it'll be fixed.
This plugin has no commands. If you have a permissions plugin on your server such as PermissionsBukkit you can add the permission nodes that BlockPermissions grants you to prevent players or groups from placing /breaking blocks.
Here is an Example PermissionsBukkit config with my plugins permission nodes
Hey, im really newbie on bukkit. Just started my first bukkit server.
Could you please tell me how to use your plugin?
Are there any list of commands or sintaxe?
Thanks in advance!
What is a permission node? A command to be done in the server?
This way I wouldnt be able to place stone blocks?
Well, ok, I'll wait for the next release then. :D
btw, I do have bp.mobeggs.silverfish, but it doesn't seem to work against the 97 block.
The silver fish spawn blocks are actually treated like mob eggs with bukkit. If you want to stop players from placing 97, 97.1, 97.2 You can use the permission node bp.mobeggs or bp.mobeggs.silverfish
In the next release I'm working on I'll add bp.97 to stop mob eggs as I made the mistake of making it stop smooth stone instead (D'oh)
hmm, Not sure if this is a bug, or I'm just not doing it right..
I want to block people from placing the 3 silverfish spawning ID# 97 blocks, 97:0, 97:1, and 97:2. So I added "bp.97: true" to their permissions, but that doesn't stop them from placing any of them. I'm able to prevent other blocks from being placed and/or broke, but not those for some reason.
Do I need to add all 3 to the permissions? And if so, how do I format that? I'm not sure how to specify the damage value, whether it's "bp.97.1" or something weird like "bp.97|1". If this isn't a bug, I'm not sure which punctuation to use for the separator, as I would assume ":" is used by permissions and would confuse it.
I just tried the sandstone stairs on my bukkit server without any problems but what do you mean by custom blocks? also if you could let me know what version of the plugin you have and what version of craftbukkit you are using I'll try look into this further.
Trying to use this on a tekkit server, lots of errors regarding the custom blocks.
19:16:13 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BlockBreakEvent to BlockPermissions java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SANDSTONE_STAIRS at BlockPermissions.Main.SANDSTONESTAIRS( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$1.execute( at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.breakBlock( at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.a( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.serverhook.NetServerHandlerProxy.a( at net.minecraft.server.Packet14BlockDig.handle(SourceFile:43) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( at at sions
Uploaded version 1.3 which is now pending approval. Here's the change log
- Adds support for using block IDs instead of block names for permission nodes. Example: bp.stone and bp.1 will block the placement of stone.
- You can now block specific Mob Spawn Eggs rather than all of them. To do this, the permission nodes are written like bp.mobeggs.wolf or bp.mobeggs.enderman
- Added support for CraftbukkitUpToDate