I haven't updated this plugin in a while due to misplacing the source code. The plugin should still work with the latest version of bukkit without any errors, the only issue with the plugin is that it does not have the blocks that were added to Minecraft after version 1.3.4
I may pick this back up and rewrite it in the future but as of now I'll just mark this as inactive.
This plugin will allow server administrators to use permission nodes to prevent players/groups from placing and breaking certain blocks.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bp.stone they will not be able to place that block.
If the player or group has a permission node such as bb.stone they will not be able to break that block.
Prevent Block Place - Example:
- bp.diamondblock
- bp.tnt
- bp.enchantmenttable
Prevent Block Break - Example:
- bb.diamondblock
- bb.tnt
- bb.enchantmenttable
- All Permission nodes can be found on this page.
Many plugins that are similar to this are based around anti-griefing by disabling the likes of TNT, lavablock and water etc but with BlockPermissions administrators have full control over every placeable block and what groups can place/break what blocks.
To Do List:
- Group certain blocks into single permission nodes
Upload the first, stable release candidate for 1.2.5 R.4
Configurable denied access message when block is placed by someone without the required permission node
- Global and per-world blacklist for certain blocks
- Add block interaction permissions for doors, levers, command blocks etc.
add usage? add reload command?
hey guys I run a bukkit server with worldguard and worldedit. i was looking for a mod that would allow a moderator to negate the destroying of blocks in a certain region (not world). I was wondering if this mod had that function and what commands I would have to use if so... thanks!
Guys can anyone tell me how to setup the config file? i mean i put the bp.Stone example like this but after i start my server,it keeps reseting to default as it was :( how to set it up?and can i do this to some areas and not all?
Update it to 1.4.5 Nao!!1
Promise it'll be in the next update :P I'm waiting for Craftbukkit 1.4.3 RC before I do any updating so I don't have to do any compatibility checks.
I should really make a check list of things to add to this, so far I've
1.4.x block permissions
Apologies for the wait and lack of updates. College, work and running my own minecraft servers is time consuming
Also ordered some powerful hardware that I can use for testing as I generally have to run a local minecraft server, the minecraft client, eclipse and be always looking through bukkits java docs for references so hopefully this will motivate me to do more work on this
As I read your last response, Willbbz, I wondered why my nodes concerning wood/leaves don't work with their damage values. (->17:0,1,2,3 don't work at all for me, as I've written in mid october :P)
I've added block IDs to all blocks. The silverfish block is a bit different as it's treated as a mob egg. Use the permission node bp.mobeggs.silverfish to block that specifically as well as the the spawn egg item.
Has support been added yet, for blocking block-IDs with damage values, like the individual Silverfish spawning stone-blocks?
I'd still like to be able to block 97:0, 97:1, and 97:2, individually, without that permission entry effecting any other mobs, blocks, or eggs.
IMO, it's still probably better to use the data values, than written names for things. Less confusing, and more standardized that way.
- Fixes Critical Bug where operators could not place or break any blocks
- Adds Netherwarts placing and breaking permissions (bp.115 / bp.netherwart)
V1.3.3 uploaded
- Added bp.* and bb.* to block all placeable and breakable blocks that are detailed in this plugins permissions
- Added Wheat-crops (bb.59) and Melon seeds/stems (bb.103)
permission nodes really need to support bp.* for all blocks, i was hoping this would allow no building but still allow players to use plates and things, it will work but its lots of clutter to paste all 102 times 2 times just so people wont clutter up a town world that they need to be able to use
ahh found it BlockRules
would be relly nice if you could include that! thanks a lot! :)
If you want each sapling to have individual permissions for each damage values I'll include it in the next update. For now this will only block all saplings in version 1.3.2
I will take a look at lava as I thought I fixed that. Redstone up to version 1.3.2 is not included but I will add it to the next update.
I will probably release the next update around the time of Bukkit 1.4 as I'll have to add all the new blocks to it aswell. If I have time, I'll do a small update before with the things that have been requested.
thanks willbbz for helping me! My problem was that I didn't think of the "op"-power... :p and i got confused with some new features ("use global files") of bpermissions. So I got kind of everything I want now, but I'm having troubles to adress oak-saplings individually and not the whole group of saplings...(it works to use IDs 6:1, 6:2, 6:3 for spruce, birch, jungle saplings but the ID 6 will give permission for all kinds of saplings) hope you understand what i mean :P thank you!
I am still able to place lava even tho i did bp.lava into permissions i am aswell able to place redstone altought i also putted it into permission.This plugin only block placing blocks but not items like redstone repeaters and redstone itself. Any way to fix that? Also lava bucket and water bucket still works.
I've never used bPermissions but this plugin does not need to be configured. Grant a user or group say bb.1 to prevent them from breaking stone.
If you are having trouble with configuring your permissions plugin manually, try add the permissions with this in game command
/group addperm bb.stone
This adds permission node "bb.stone" to the selected group.
Yes I forgot to add them, d'oh.
I'll have them in the next update :)
Hey, unfortunately i can't set up your plugin with the help of bpermissions. (I use a rent gameserver) I both tried and to limit my own permissions via the users.yml of bpermissions. Do i have to do something special with the blockpermissions folders (despite putting them in plugins folder)? Generally I'm not a total server noob but with this plugin I could not make it up and running, not even very simple stuff.. :( Please help me out!
I can't seem to get the following blocked: Iron Bars, Glas Pane, Beds and both types of doors.
The list of nodes provided doesn't have any of them, and adding the block ID doesn't do anything.
Forgot to add them to the list or aren't they working?
Yes. Use the permission node to block flint and steel aswell as fire.
Can you also block items, such as flint and steel?