BlockHat - Put blocks on your head!
- Put any type of block on your head.
- Place them on other players heads.
- Permissions support!
- /hat [item id]
- /hat [hold an item in your hand]
- /hat [player name] [item id]
- /unhat
- Permissions: /hat group [group name] [item id]
- blockhat.hat - /hat /unhat
- blockhat.hat.items - /hat [item id]
- blockhat.hat.give.players.items - /hat [player name] [item id]
- blockhat.hat.give.groups.items - /hat group [group name] [item id]
Click Here
- GlowHat - Glowstone hats can glow!
BlockHat requires Vault.
I make Minecraft YouTube videos also. I do mod spotlights, tutorials, and let's plays! Please check out my channel here, I really appreciate it!
Someone already updated it.
If you no longer have time to develop this plugin, I can pick up on it, if that's alright with you?
Can you add in support for Vault?
Shit! I didn't saw the message. Well tyzoid already updated it I see so thats fine I think.
I'll send timvisee what I have so far. The original source is easy to get, I usually use jd-gui on the jar files.
well If you ask me if I could use that source, I didn't have it :(
Please update it! If you are busy and you could give me the source I'll write a temporary patch for it for version 1.2.3 if you want to.
I actually attempted to get that working. So far it doesn't work correctly. It only adds a light source on spawn and not when a player moves. It also is not deleting the light sources. It's kind of funny seeing a bunch of random lit areas with no torches. I'll keep trying, unless someone else beats me to it.
Update please? ./Hat works but i get an internal error message.
for some reason the jar won't save. It's like it tries to open and I can't look at it or anything. Could you help me out by sending the file to me. I would really appreciate it. [email protected]
Can you update for latest dev build please ? Thanks
I compiled Cayorion's version. You can download it here.
All you have is the source and no downloads.
My fork depends on Vault and is R6 compatible.
Ok great the source is on github. I will update this plugin now.
Sorry to hear you don't have the time to update it, I hope someone can pick this up and get it running with 1.2 as it is an excellent plugin!
An update would be nice, thanks.
Please update for R6+ It plays a major role in my server. :)