BlockControl is a block management plugin and is a fully configurable plugin to manage blocks. This was also a re-creation of Anti-Bedrock which formerly controlled bedrock. BlockControl also introduces helpful features such as preventing dragon egg teleportation and pickup control. Suggestions are openly accepted and may be implemented.
- Java 7 required
- Multi-World support
- A completely flexible configuration file
- Completely disable a world from being built on
- Control block placement and destruction
- Disable a item from being picked up and a choice of it being deleted
- Disable a item from being dropped and a choice of it being removed from the players inventory
- Control lava and water placement or removal
- Disable Ender Egg teleportation
- Configurable messages to display to a player
- Suggestion?
Installation and Configuration
- Drop it in the plugins folder
- Start server and the plugin will automatically generate a folder containing "config.yml"
- Execute command "/blockcontrol create worldname". This will generate a configuration tree for you. This is case sensitive!
- Go into the config.yml file and configure as you please
- Execute command "/blockcontrol reload". This will tell the server that you made changes.
Permission nodes
Permission | Details |
blockcontrol.command | Grants access to BlockControl's commands. This is really just for the operator |
blockcontrol.destroy | Allows a player to destroy a disabled item | | Allows a player to place a disabled item |
blockcontrol.denydestroy.# | Denies a player to destroy this block. Replace hash tag with data value |
blockcontrol.denyplace.# | Denies a player to place this block. Replace hash tag with data value | | Allows a player to place lava on a disabled world |
blockcontrol.lava.fill | Allows a player to fill lava buckets on a disabled world | | Allows a player to place water on a disabled world |
blockcontrol.water.fill | Allows a player to fill water buckets on a disabled world |
blockcontrol.pickup | Allows a player to pickup disabled items |
blockcontrol.drop | Allows a player to drop disabled items | | Allows a player to build on a disabled world |
thank you
Next version is coming up.
I want deny the player to place any block in a world. This plugin do not do it yet.
CurseForge is not "ForgeCurse", ForgeCurse doesn't even exist, plus CurseForge is a service hosted by Curse. I do not know if its compatible with Feed The Beast (Forge is bundled with FTB). I do not play Feed The Beast, so do not ask me anything about it. I have no familiarity with FTB. If FTB (Server) is derived from Bukkit, then it should work long as they do not change any major code that would stop Bukkit plugins from working.
Possibly dumb question, but is this Forge compatible? It appeared in the "ForgeCurse" category so I assumed so. I was hoping to get this working on my Feed the Beast server. Doesn't appear to be loading, however.
Barring that, does anyone know of a similar mod that would work? The world-specific block placement control is what I'm ultimately after. Thanks!
I just tested it, it works fine, I can send you a video of it working.
The world list is case sensitive. So if your worlds has "SkYBlOcK" You have to type it the same way in the configuration file.
Send me your configuration file, I'll see whats wrong. If you're using an old version then it obviously wont work.
Well theres where we have the problem i DID try that and everyone can still place lava lol
Upload version 1.2.0, individual permissions! Read permissions section for more information!
For those who are impatient:
For those who are paranoid... Wait for it to get approved :)
There's a reason why I added permissions :P
In BC config make sure you put "disablelava" as true, then put your world in the list. In your permissions system add "blockcontrol.lava" to place lava buckets.
So you typically did not try everything, you have to read the information provided with this plugin. I could not make this plugin any simpler. All the server admins have to do is read and configure. Not trying to sound mean but I'm just saying maybe next time you should read the information given, and if you don't find it, report it to the plugin owner.
How do i make it so my Emerald group can set lava and my diamond group but not anyone else? ive tried everything it wont work lol
Feature implementation coming soon :)
I'll add both the features, per item permissions, and per group permissions.
Would be interesting to see per item permissions(blockcontrol.destroy.1)
Or "grouped items"For example I create group one: Stuffz: blockcontrol.destroy.1 blockcontrol.destroy.64
and in my perms I could set
Make sure you surround the data values with apostrophe. For example :
Also make sure you configure the world's properly.
You must be doing something wrong then show me your configuration file.
People on my server can break bedrock.. this is weird.
Added in 1.1.0, waiting for file to be approved, as for the mean time you can get it here
A new version is coming up :D
This plugin wont prevent lava bucket placement how do i prevent that? lol
Yes, the API change is not great enough that it would take effect on this plugin. Feel free to use it on 1.4.6! Tested and approved :)
Does this work with 1.4.6?