

#Should the plugin check for updates?
checkforupdates: true
#List of worlds with options
  #Name of the world, case sensitive
    #If true, it prevents any building in this world
    no-build: false
    #Blocks that are blocked when they are placed
    - '7'
    - '19'
    #Blocks that are blocked when they are broken
    - '7'
    - '19'
    #Items that cannot be picked up
    - '7'
    - '19'
    #Drops that cannot be dropped
    - '7'
    - '19'
    #If true, when a player attempts to empty his bucket, it will be denied
    lava-bucket-place: false
    #If true, when a player attempts to empty his bucket, it will be denied
    water-bucket-place: false
    #If true, when a player attempts to fill his bucket, it will be denied
    lava-bucket-fill: false
    #If true, when a player attempts to fill his bucket, it will be denied
    water-bucket-fill: false
    #If true, when a player tries to pickup a disabled pickup, the item tile will be removed
    delete-disabled-pickup: false
    #If true, when a player drops a disabled item, it gets deleted
    delete-disabled-drop: false
    #If true, when a player attempts to place a disabled block, it gets deleted in his hand
    delete-disabled-place: false
    #If true, the ender egg cannot teleport
    enderegg-teleport-disable: false
    #Messages to be shown, self explanatory
    place-message: '&cYou have insufficient permission to place that block.'
    destroy-message: '&cYou have insufficient permission to destroy that block.'


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