Is there a config manual? #68

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Assigned to _ForgeUser6983636
  • _ForgeUser10617959 created this issue Feb 23, 2013

    What is the issue?


    I have installed the plugin and the MySQL database and as far as i can tell everything is running fine, but i just cannot figure out how to use your plugin right. I apologise if this is a silly question, but is there somewhere a kind of how-to documentation or website that explains everything in detail (didn't found one so far with google, also most vids on youtoube seem outdated)? Something that shows how to setup/config. the different kind of blocks/changes one would like to log?

    For example: After the installation i started mining in my local test world, logged out and back in and destroyed a few grass blocks and the like. Then I did a ///bl lookout player poppy72// and it shows me i broke some blocks but without specifying what kind of blocks. It tells me I placed air and it only showed me the last few block changes from my current login.

    Then I did a rollback for poppy72 and it replaced 900-odd blocks (so took the mining from the first login into account).

    I would obviously like to be able to see all changes a player made even during different logins and also what kind of blocks he destroyed, also setup a log file where everything is written into. I see that your plugin can do that, so I figure I would need to define that in the config file but I didn't find yet out how to achieve that.

    Could you please push me in the right direction?

    Thank you in advance for your time.


  • _ForgeUser10617959 added the tags New Other Feb 23, 2013
  • _ForgeUser6983636 posted a comment Feb 23, 2013

    You should take a look here. You can find information about some of the commands. I haven't had time in awhile to finish it and add every command.

    Edited Feb 23, 2013

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