Make your mobs bleed a little
BleedingMobs creates a blood effect, when you hit animals, monsters and other players. It generates blood particles using wool and redstone drops, that disappear after a short time and stain the floor with colored wool blocks. All particles can't be picked up and the wool blocks on the floor can't be broken. This plugin is highly customizable in the config.yml. If you need more options, just add a comment or create a ticket.
You should watch the videos to see the effects in action.
The idea for this project came after watching Yogscast: "Shadow of Israphel" Part 25 and 29.
Permissions You need the permission bleedingmobs.admin (default: op) to use the /bleedingmobs command. You need the permission bleedingmobs.bloodstrike (default: true), if you enable permission-only in config. If you enable the permission bleedingmobs.noblood (default: false), you will not bleed when hurt.
Statistics Since Version 3.4 this plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server You can disable it using the command /bleedingmobs disable-metrics
Plugin BleedingMobs v4.4 generated an exception while executing task 23818 21.12 14:20:30 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Server.getOnlinePlayers()[Lorg/bukkit/entity/Player; 21.12 14:20:30 [Server] INFO at me.snowleo.bleedingmobs.metrics.Metrics.postPlugin( ~[?:?] 21.12 14:20:30 [Server] INFO at me.snowleo.bleedingmobs.metrics.Metrics.access$400( ~[?:?] 21.12 14:20:30 [Server] INFO at me.snowleo.bleedingmobs.metrics.Metrics$ ~[?:?]
Plugin BleedingMobs v4.4 generated an exception while executing task 23818. how do i fix this?
Some problem with Spigot 1.8.7...
spigot 1.8.3 - OK
Please update!
A command to disable the visual effect for players will make this plugin better.
Some users on my server complain that the blood effect creates lag for them. Probably they have a slow computer.
Yes pls,i want this plugin in 1.7
when updating to Bukkit 1.7.2 ?
On new Bukkit 1.7.2R04 errormessage:
BleedingMobs running on an unsupported Bukkit version...Pls update!
Can the author pls update this verry good plugin?
Update 1.7.2 please..
Update to more versions pls Like this comment if you want too
we want 1.6.4 and 1.7.2!
that's what makes them not able to be picked up
A) right now I am the only developer working on this project, and I don't have all that much free time. B) that would be a lot of work to do, but I will consider it for the 1.7 update
Asking this again, have you considered getting a ignore permission or command? Or is it way to complex for 3 developers? :)
allow to use carpet wool plz :D
Is it possible to disable the enchant effect on the items/bleed ? Because I really don't like this :/
Thank !
Hello, with the staining of the floor, Our max time is 15 seconds Will the block ALLWAYS get removed even if there a server crash/ reload/ restart
It works fine with 1.6.2. There is no point for me to release a new version to just change the version number.