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    Nov 1, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.2-R0.1


0.6: (November 1, 2012)

Update for Bukkit 1.4.2-R0.1 (beta build #2446)


  • Command /blf help to open help file. works if player types command wrong or uses wrong syntax.
  • Command /blf version to check plugin updates. works also upon player login if player is /opped or has blf.version permission.
  • Simple permission based friend limiter, will improve later on.
  • Block bonus XP.
  • Option to disable monster bonus XP (and xp drops) if player or nearby friend is in creative mode.
  • WorldGuard region support...
    to disable monster and block bonus XP inside defined regions.
    to disable using /blf commands to player inside defined regions


  • Improved help file, new system gives bit more freedom to customize help page (order etc.).
  • Fixed cooldown message display (now shows correct amount of seconds left).
  • Commands /blf reload and /blf version can now be used from console.

Make following changes to your config.yml

-- REMOVE -- (replaced by new Help-File)
Help-Header: Wrong command, try following..
Help-List: /blf list
Help-TP: /blf tp (player)
Help-Gift: /blf gift (player)
Help-Invite: /blf invite (player)
Help-Remove: /blf remove (friend)
Help-Disable-TP: /blf tp (to enable/disable feature)
Help-Disable-Invites: /blf invites (to enable/disable feature)
Help-Disable-Gift: /blf gift (to enable/disable feature)

-- ADD --
Region-Support: false
BlockBonusXP-Enable: false
BlockBonusXP-Radius: 2
BlockBonusXP-Amount: 4
Blocked-Region-SendMessage: false
Blocked-Creative-DXP-SendMessage: false
Block-Creative-DoubleXP: false
Friend-Limit: 1
Check-StableUpdates: false
Check-DevUpdates: false
Error-Blocked-Region: Blocked region! You can not use this feature while you or your friend is inside blocked region.
Error-Limit: You have too many friends! Server friend list limit has been set <limit> friends.

- blf list:list all your friends. 
- blf online:list all your online friends.
- blf invite (player):Invite player as your friend.
- blf add:Accept friend invite.
- blf remove (player):Remove someone from your friend list.
- blf tp (player):Teleport to your friend.
- blf tp/gift/invite:Enable/disable feature, if you use /blf tp then players cannot use that command to you.
- blf gift (player):Send gift to you player, first hold item in your hand then use command. Warning; This will send ALL the items that you are holding, remember to split item stacks if you wish to send less items.

-- OPTIONAL : only if you use WorldGuard and have Region Support enabled --
- example
- tp
- gift