FML will complain about item discrepancies #32

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser7105870
  • Null_Division created this issue Jul 26, 2013

    Turns out it is BKCommonLib, not NoLagg. Changing the settings in various order had no effect on the error. Deleting NoLagg had no effect. Deleting BKCommonLib allowed clients to connect. I also deleted all my mods/coremods/plugins except MineFantasy and BKCommonLib.

    The server startup is here:
    The error message I originally reported only appears to show up on the server sometimes. It always shows up in the client log though. The client startup and connection log is:

    Using the following:
    mods/[1.5.2]MineFantasy 1.8.5_dev.jar

    Let me know if you have other questions.

  • Null_Division added the tags New Defect Jul 26, 2013

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