
BirthdayCraft Logo


BirthdayCraft rewards players when they join the server on their birthday! Players can set their birthday and receive rewards set in a config file when they log in to the server on their birthday. Upon first logging into the server on their birthday, a birthday message will broadcasted to the entire server so all other players can be informed of that specified player's birthday, and wish them a great happy birthday!

In case anyone is wondering, I only set cooldowns in BirthdayCraft for 24 hours. This is because after their birthday, the plugin will not allow them to get a gift anyway so instead of wasting resources and setting cooldowns to 1 year, 24 hours is fine!

This is my first Bukkit plugin so show some love, pretty please? I'm also always open to requests for new features! :)

PLEASE NOTE: As of version 2.0 and up, BirthdayCraft requires Vault in order to enable!


  • Players can set their own birthday
  • Players cannot change their birthday once it is set
  • Players cannot receive more than 1 reward(s) per birthday year
  • Admins (or users w/ the permission) can change another player's birthday
  • Players can check when another player's birthday is
  • Players can check when their own birthday is
  • Server broadcasts a message when it is a player's birthday
  • Configurable item ID reward + amount
  • Support for economy based rewards (Vault)
  • Auto-updating


  • /birthdaycraft - Main command that displays usage and/or shows the birthday that they set.
  • /birthdaycraft <month> <day> - This usage of the main command allows a player to set their birthday.
  • /birthdaycraft check <player> - This subcommand allows users to check when another player's birthday is.
  • /birthdaycraft change <player> <month> <day> - This subcommand allows users to change another player's birthday!


  • birthdaycraft.* - Gives players all permissions of BirthdayCraft.
  • birthdaycraft.use - Allows players to use the BirthdayCraft command.
  • birthdaycraft.reward - Allows players to receive their birthday reward.
  • birthdaycraft.check - Allows players to check for another user's birthday.
  • birthdaycraft.change - Allows players to change another user's birthday.

Upcoming Features

  • Support for multiple item rewards
  • MySQL support
  • View information about when a player received their last gift
  • Configurable broadcast message + player gift message

Hope you all enjoy BirthdayCraft! :)


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