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Using BiomeEdit you can easily manage the biomes of your map
Features / Usage
You actually have three modes to replace existing biomes:
- REPLACE the complete biome (it will try to detect the whole biome area and then replace it completely)
- set a ROUND biome area
- set a SQUARE biome area
- use a WorldEdit selection (WE)
- use a WorldGuard region (WG)
Therefore you can use two methods to change/create the biomes:
- use your location -> /biome set ...
- use the location you're pointing at -> /biome brush ...
So for example you could create round jungle biomes with radius 5 at some distant location by just clicking your mouse button after you enabled brush mode with: /biome brush jungle round 5 (to disable brush mode use: /biome brush off) Or you could replace the entire biome you're currently standing in with just: /biome set jungle replace
One cool feature is it's WorldEditCUI integration! As soon as you use /biome info or after you've changed a biome area, the plugin will tell your WorldEditCUI in your client to draw the shape of this area into the air. This way you can check exactly what was changed and where. All you need to do is to install the weCUI Clientside Mod:
What BiomeEdit does NOT
Actually there's no API in Bukkit to regenerate the map itself based on the new biome code you just changed using BiomeEdit! When you regenerate the specific area, the biome code itself will be reset too. As soon as there's a way to get nice jungle where you had a desert, I'll definitely try to add this and let you know!
What BiomeEdit CAN do
BiomeEdit changes the information at what point which biome should be seen by either the client and the server.
So the server:
- will spawn ocelots when you've set jungle biome (despite the fact that there may still be a desert ;-) )
- will or will not create snow plates regarding you've set a taiga biome or not
And the client:
- will show snowfall or rain depending on taiga or another biome
- will colorize the grass and leaves depending on the changed biome
- Actually you need at least the latest CraftBukkit Beta (#2060) build from for this to work!
Optional requirements
- WorldEditCUI Client Mod to see what you're doing ;-)
- WorldEdit to use WE selections
- WorldGuard to use WG regions
- cnbiome.admin - enables the user to use the /biome command
Command overview
- Main command: /biome OR /be OR /biomeedit
- /biome set <biome> <mode> [radius|regionID] - Sets the biome using the current player location
- /biome brush <biome> <mode> [radius] - Activate biome brush
- /biome brush off - Deactivate biome brush
- /biome info - Gives you informations about the biome you're currently standing in
- /biome list - Lists the servers' available biomes
- /biome modes - Lists the replacement modes
Useful tips
When using BiomeEdit to replace whole biomes, it tries to load all surrounding chunks, but sometimes it can't. But there's a trick: Using the plugin ChunkLoad you can tell bukkit to NOT throw away unused chunks. So you then just need to fly over the whole biome area once and BiomeEdit will work like a charm!
Source & Snapshots
Feel free to contribute or share your thoughts and ideas!
You can find snapshot builds in the Jenkins.¹
¹ Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
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I change a biome with this command : /biome set plains round 100
However I obtain so many rounds on my map, that is not very natural.
With the command /biome info, I can see the area of the biomes.
Can I change the selected biome that I see with this command to avoid to have only square or round biomes?
Thx !
Did you even read THIS VERY page?
If not, read section "What BiomeEdit does NOT".
Will using WorldEdit to regenerate terrain after using BiomeEdit generate different terrain?
i have a spawn area with nice buiding on it, but it built on a desert can the plugin change the biome so the grass change the color without destroy the building?
I've manage to correct all weird biome connection since i've changed my generator to terraincontrol :)
your plugins is awesome.
too bad that we are forced to work blindessly but it works ver well.
May be you should pop somes animations (smoke ?) where the brushe is hitting to simplify editing, but this is already great ;)
thx for your great work.
I'm getting "This is no valid size"
maximum size?
so, Looking at the list of biomes, I'm kinda overwhemled.
I don't know what each does, in relation to the others, Taiga = snowy weather, and snow on the ground great, but ice plains, mountains, frozen river?... What do they all do?
Is there a list of biomes and what they look like, so I can make a better choice as to which biome i wan't where?
a) Can you use things like a so called "full stop" and the likes?
b) Did you even read the description of this plugin?
On the top there it says:
"What BiomeEdit does NOT
Actually there's no API in Bukkit to regenerate the map itself based on the new biome code you just changed using BiomeEdit! When you regenerate the specific area, the biome code itself will be reset too."
I might be doing this completely wrong but, I have used the dead brush to create a jungle biome. However nothing happens!? Is this supposed to create trees, or just make it where the current biome acts like a jungle biome. Thank you
Is it possible to replace only selected part of biome ? 2 when I try to replace taiga for jungle and then I relog restart server and than regenerate area with WE suddenly I get lot of large jungle trees in taiga biome. (not sure if thats bug or not)
Hm I have a weird bug that when I change a biome with /set PLAINS REPLACE (for example, the replace mode seems to be key), it leaves behind single scattered blocks of the old biome which are supposed to be replaced?
snow biome (TAIGA) not work.
Ah, I see, and there is no way to modify the WorldEdit /regen to first look at the biome, then restore according to the world generator's biome settings?
That sucks, cause I think alot more people would want something like this if, for instance, you could have TerrainControl as your world generator, and then you could change the biome with BiomeEdit to say "Jungle" and then use some magical edited /regen to look at the "Jungle" biome setting, then send it to TerrainControl, and then TerrainControl would tell the /regen command what to do. Would probably require a shitton of coding, not to mention sk89q's help.
If this is still an issue, please create a Ticket for it above so the developer can track it. Comments are not for bug reporting.
regen deletes the chunk and then regenerates it using whatever world generator is set for the map you are on. Since the chunk is deleted, there isn't any biome data left for it to use when regenerating. (Even if there was existing biome data, world generators wouldn't use it, as they are supposed to be the source of all world data).
If you regen a map you will always have to set custom biomes back.
Hey CubeNation have a look here: & It seems there's an API for this, no?
When I change the biome to what I want, Can I remove this plugin then?
Can you update your other plugin EggRoulette? (i'm collecting casino-related plugins for my server's casino, and it's the perfect plugin ;D)
i have an idea :D with the regen command from worldedit, the area would regenerate, so i think if you changed the biom and marked that area with worldedit, this command could make it look like a real one :D