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BetterRTP is a plugin meant for the Server Owner who wants control of where players will randomly teleport on a random occasion within a 'fixed' border, and even allow a central dead zone where they will not be teleported to. Even allow blacklisting certain blocks, such as water, or lava to be rtp'd onto. Also ability to make custom world borders per world, and a standard default one that every world will use if not defined under custom worlds!
Check out the addons plugin that adds some extra features such as portals, items and extra effects with BetterRTPAddons
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Integrated API allows other plugins add to BetterRTP with addons!
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Have a Suggestion? Make an issue!

- Worldborder: Option to respect the current vanilla worldborder, set with the command '/worldborder set <diameter>'
- Max: Set the maximum and minimum X and Z values for random teleportation
- Disable Worlds: Disable any world to not allow '/rtp' to function in these worlds.
- Blacklist: List out a set of blocks to not teleport a player onto
- Attempts: Add the amount of times to attempt to teleport to a safe location (reduce lag time)
- (NEW) Multi-Plugin Support: Respect plugin regions, disallowing players to teleport randomly into protected regions!
- Multi-world: Ability to setup multiple worlds with custom borders and center points!
- Cooldown: Set a timer for '/rtp' to be used again after a successful rtp. Saves during shutdown/restarts
- Delay timer: Make players have to wait between rtp's, and cancel if they move!
- Sounds: Customizable sounds after rtp'ing and when being delayed!
- Titles: Add a title when a player rtp's, with placeholder support!
- Override: World A to World B functionality, have overrides when the player is in the end or the nether, have them rtp into the overworld.
- Economy: Make players have to pay to rtp in a world!
- Particles: Add particles and potion effects when a player rtp's.
- First Join: Ability to teleport upon joining the server for the very first time.
- Invincibility: Protect the player from taking damage for a set amount of time after rtp'ing
- Permission Groups: Allows you to create custom restrictions depending if a player has a specific permission.
- Regions: WorldGuard, GriefPrevention, Towny, RedProtect, FactionsUUID, Lands, Residence, KingdomsX, hClaims, GriefDefender, UltimateClaims and the legendary Pueblos region support.
- Placeholder API: Full placeholder api support on any message! Look at the config in this page for information on how to use it!

- #1 - Download BetterRTP.jar
- #2 - Install any Soft Dependencies that you plan on using.
- #3 - Upload all files into your "/plugins" folder.
- #4 - Reload/Restart your server, configure, execute "/rtp reload" and set!
- #5 - Permissions! To make the plugin work out the gate, remember to allow players the following permissions: '<worldName>' to rtp in the target world. And '' to use the command '/rtp world <world>'
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- WorldGuard - Most popular claim protection plugin out there, also needed for WorldEdit.
- GriefPrevention - Create personalized claims, with multiple permission levels.
- Towny - Create towns, communities while protecting your own land
- RedProtect - Create protected claims, and manage each region at will
- FactionsUUID - Create a chunk based faction system, and never allow players to rtp into these chunks.
- Lands - A Land claim plugin for servers, making it easy for you owners and players to claim and secure their belongings.
- Residence - Create communities and a small protected environment from unwanted guests.
- KingdomsX - Similar to Factions, providing advanced core features and introduces turrets, structures and invasions.
- hClaims - A GUI based claiming system with a friends system
- GriefDefender - Grief protection plugin focused on efficiency and transparency.
- UltimateClaims - Powercell based claim system, keep it supplied with power to protect your claim.
- Pueblos - Plugin made by me! Quick claim creation with loads of customization!
- ParticleLib (included) - Particles library by ByteZ1337. Find all supported particles on the javadocs.
- PaperLib (included) - Library for interfacing with PaperMC specific APIs, used for a-synchronous chunk loading.
- PlaceholderAPI - For having custom placeholders for other plugins! Or for custom gui's such as AdvancedCustomMenu or AnimatedMenu! And even use placeholders in items inside of the plugin!

[ ] = optional < > = mandatory
Command: /rtp - Randomly teleport!
Permission: betterrtp.use &<world>
Group:<group> (when using PermissionGroups)
Command: /rtp help - Shows all commands in chat
Permission: betterrtp.use
Command: /rtp edit <args> - Quickly edit world parameters without the need to go into the config file.
Permission: betterrtp.edit
Command: /rtp player <player> [world] [biome1, biome2...] - Randomly teleport another player.
Permission: betterrtp.player
Command: /rtp world <world> [biome1, biome2...] - Randomly teleport in another world
Permission: &<world>
Command: /rtp reload - Reloads the plugin
Permission: betterrtp.reload
Command: /rtp version - View current version
Permission: betterrtp.use
Command: /rtp biome <biome1, biome2...> - Teleport within a biome
Permission: betterrtp.biome
Command: /rtp info - Show all worlds and the parameters BetterRTP will use with the configured setup on the worlds
Command: /rtp location <location_name> - Teleport using the supplied location name
Permission: betterrtp.location
Command: /rtp test - Test effects without actually rtp'ing around the world.
Permission: betterrtp.admin
Command: /rtp queue - View all generated queued up locations
Permission: betterrtp.admin
Command: /rtp addons - Only enabled when the Addons plugin is installed!

- betterrtp.* - All permissions below
- - Use the `/rtp world <world_name>` command
-* - RTP in all enabled worlds
-<world> - Ability to rtp in the specified world
- betterrtp.bypass.* - Bypass all rtp requirements
- betterrtp.use - Allows the use of `/rtp` command
- betterrtp.player - Use the `/rtp player <player_name> [args]` command
- betterrtp.biome - Use the `/rtp biome [biomes...]` command
- betterrtp.bypass.cooldown - Bypass the cool-down timer
- betterrtp.bypass.delay - Bypass the delay timer
- betterrtp.bypass.economy - Bypass economy
- betterrtp.bypass.hunger - Bypass hunger
- betterrtp.reload - Use the `/rtp reload` command
- betterrtp.updater - Get notification on new updates
- - Use the info command
- betterrtp.admin - Use the `/rtp test/queue'` command while in debug mode!
- betterrtp.config.<group> - Use a specified permission group setup
- betterrtp.location - Use the `/rtp location <location_name>` command

- You may distribute this plugin as long as the download link stays on this page!
- You may not copy this code and claim it as yours!
- You may clone this plugin's repository for your own private use!
Please leave a 5 Star Review if you like it! Please don't use reviews to post bugs
Please post bugs/errors in the Discussion page! Please leave me suggestions to add on to the plugin to make it even better!

Contribute to the project or edit it for your self here!