BetterDrops 1.3


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  • Uploaded
    Oct 24, 2016
  • Size
    103.55 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.10


Added a config option to allow Dispenser-caused kills to drop heads (enabled by default)

Any enchantments on a spawned skeleton's bow before becoming powered now carry over.

Fixed a bug where enchanting a special bow/boots with an enchanted book in an anvil caused the color coding to go away, and there to be an additional character at the beginning of the name. Using the item will now reset the name back to the default.

Levitation Boots now have lag handling code.

The maximum number of strikes for the Lightning Strike Egg is now configureable, with the default being 20.

Fixed a bug where a player killed by a Lightning Strike Egg would always lose all of their items if keepInventory was off.

Fixed a bug where an arrow shot with a Space Bow by a skeleton would do little damage.

Added two new ice "forms" from an Ice Bow: One for Ghasts and another for Iron Golems and Wither Skeletons.

Vastly improved the performance of the Skywalker boots, especially in circumstances where multiple people were using them and/or the decay delay was set to a high value.

Fixed a bug where a wither skeleton could drop a normal skeleton head.

Removed some debug code from the XP Storage Bottle and Lightning Strike Egg.

Fixed a bug where if a player drank an empty XP Storage Bottle and then immediatly switched hands, it would replace whatever they switched to with the full xp bottle.

Added the Wither Skull Launcher.

All wands now glow as if enchanted.

Fixed a bug where a player could farm XP with an XP Storage Bottle under certain circumstances.

Fixed a bug where, in certain circumstances, after a player drank an XP Storage Bottle their XP bar would be set to -0xFFFFFFFF, making it virtually impossible to level up.

Changed the default odds for head drops from players, skeletons, and zombies to 3, 150, and 150, respectively.

To update from any 1.1.x version: Due to a minor bug in 1.1.x versions, the server must be shut down when the plugin is being updated. Just shut the server down, install the new files per directions in the description, and then start back up.