BetonQuest v1.7
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UploadedJul 17, 2015
Size404.74 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- 1.8.3
BetonQuest v1.7
- BetonQuest no longer supports servers without UUID handling
- There were a lot of changes since previous version, check carefully if everything is working
- Compatibility with plugins hooking INTO BetonQuest is broken, they need to update
- Objectives no longer mysteriously double events
- Greatly improved performance in almost every aspect
- Finally fixed issues with special characters on some servers
- Fixed database saving/loading issues
- Fixed player options in conversations being white on next lines when using tellraw
- Quest canceling system
- New inventory GUI for conversations
- Added the "random" parameter in "folder" event - choose randomly X events to fire
- Action objective can be "canceled" - the click will not do anything
- Added "static events" mechanism for firing events at specified time of the day
- Optional message when the player is pulled back by stop option
- Optional message for take and give events
- Optional message when advancing in "block" and "mobkill" objectives
- Variable system for quick changing quest parameters (for example location of a quest)
- "/q vector" command for easy calculating location vector variables
- New "empty" condition - amount of empty inventory slots
- New "party" condition - manages the conditions in the party
- New "monsters" condition - true if there are monsters in the area
- New "clear" event - kills specified monsters in the area
- New "region" objective - reach WorldGuard region
- Blacklist of commands which cannot be used while in conversation
- Option to disable compatibility with other plugins
- Added remove_items_after_respawn option - for servers using keepInventory gamerule
- The plugin now uses package system: configuration has been moved into "default" package
- Objectives has returned to "objectives.yml" - it's improving performance
- The database is now updated in real time
- All quests can (but don't have to) be translated into multiple languages
- Players can change their language with /questlang command
- Conversations with stop option are resumed when the player logs out and in again
- Metrics are now toggled in PluginMetrics/config.yml
- All conditions, events, objectives, conversations etc. are loaded when the plugin starts/reloads
- Citizens NPC will stop when talked to
- Quest blocks cannot be placed, quest items will not break
- Conversations cannot be started while in combat
- Cannot fight while in conversation
- Tellraw conversations no longer spam the console
- Mobs can be spawned with a name (spawnmob event, "name:" argument)
- /q command is now more beautiful
- Removed unnecessary argument prefixes from conditions and events
- Removed "tag:" from objective instruction strings
- Conversations no longer need those empty lines everywhere ('')
- Dependencies updated: WorldGuard/WorldEdit 6.1, MythicMobs 2.0.4
- Quests are loaded before other plugins can register their types, so custom events/conditions/objectives do not work until someone uses "/q reload" (it loads the quests when the custom types are registered)
- Journal condition does not work
The bugs above have been fixed in 1.7.1