Items given by event that don't fit in the inventory will now drop instead of being deleted
This does not apply to quest items, they will be added to backpack
Events fired from conversations won't throw async errors
Conversation can be started after plugin's reload without relogging
/q reload no longer lags the server
Corrected description in /q command
Added input validation for global locations - if event is incorrect it will display an error
instead of breaking the whole functionality
The plugin should run fine on machines not supporting some special characters
Inverted item condition now behave correctly
Time condition now checks time correctly
Added backpack for storing quest items, which cannot be dropped in any way
Added database backups
Added prefix for the database. New installations will use "betonquest_" prefix for tables,
existing configuration will use empty prefix to maintain compatibility with other programs
Players can chat while in conversations by prefixing their messages with '#' character
New "random" condition - true with specified probability
New "sneak" condition - true if player is sneaking
New "journal" condition - true if player has journal entry
New "testforblock" condition - true if block at given location matches given material
New "arrow" objective - completed when arrow hits the specified target
New "experience" objective - completed when player reaches certain level
New "npcinteract" objective - completed when player right-clicks Citizens NPC
New "damage" event - damages the player
Skript support (event, effect and condition)
WorldGuard support (region condition)
Errors are logged to the "error.log" file in "logs" directory
Debug option in config.yml for logging plugin's activity to "debug.log" file
New commands for opening backpack: b, bb, backpack, bbackpack or betonbackpack
Items are now aware of leather armor color, head owner and enchantments in books
Added and changed a lot of subcommands in /q command:
event and condition can be run for every online player
tag, point, objective and (new) journal can edit every (even offline) player
config (new) can set configuration files from command line
backup (new) backups the whole configuration and database
Folder event now runs these events even after the player logs out: command, tag, objective,
delete, point, setblock
Changed /j command to open the backpack instead of just giving the journal
Tellraw clicking on options in conversation now ignores old (used) options
Using color codes in journal entries is now possible
Give/take events and item condition can now check for multiple items with syntax 'give
Give/take events and item/hand conditions can now check for items only without
enchantments/effects/name/lore etc.
Inverting condition is now done by prefixing their name with "!" (in the place where you use
them, like conversation, not in conditions.yml)
Configuration updater is no longer based on plugin's version
Backup files are now kept in "backups" directory, old ones are moved to it
Changed internal structure of the code (may matter to developers - QuestEvent, Condition
and Objective classes has been moved from "core" package to "api", update your imports)
There is a bug/feature in 1.8 which adds '§0' at the end of every line in books generated
by plugins. This breaks the conditions/events based on books with more than one line of text.
The detailed instruction on how to work it around is in "Other important stuff" chapter, in
the part about items.
If using MySQL to store data, there will be an error every time the plugin tries to save journal. Fixed in 1.6.1