Bedwars is a Minecraft minigame where teams (max. 15) try to destroy the other teams' beds. But there is more: On the whole map there are ressource spawners spawning items. Some items are more worth than others and with these you can buy different things in the so called "Villager Shop". You will find powerful weapons or potions or simple blocks to get to the other bases. Get to the others bases? Yes, every team starts on an island and you have to get to the others with blocks which you can buy in the "Villager Shop". When you meet a enemy you have to try to kill him so he'll lose all the equipment which he had in his inventory. As soon as a team's bed is destroyed they cannot respawn again and last team standing wins.
- Up to 15 Teams
- Custom Amount of Players per Team
- Powerful Villager Shop:
- Two shop modes: Villager Trading and GUI-Shop
- Customizable Shop Offers
- Customizable Shop Categories
- Fully Customizable Ressource Spawners
- Team Selection GUI
- Automatic World Reset
- Colored Player Names
- Teamchat and Global Chat
- 229 Languages/Locales - Available for translation by the community
- Spectator Mode
- Team Chests (Ender Chest)
- MySQL or YAML statistics
- Update Checker
- Special Items:
- Arrow Blocker
- Magnet Shoes
- Protection Wall
- Rescue Platform
- TNT-Sheep
- Tracker
- Trap
- Warp Powder
- Custom Target Block (not only "bed")
- Almost everything configurable!
- And much more!
Minecraft 1.7: BedwarsRel 1.2.8
Minecraft 1.8: BedwarsRel Latest Version
Minecraft 1.9: BedwarsRel Latest Version
Minecraft 1.10: BedwarsRel Latest Version
Minecraft 1.11: BedwarsRel Latest Version
CraftBukkit, Spigot and BungeeCord
BedwarsRel is a CraftBukkit and Spigot compatible plugin and therefore needs to be installed on a server running CraftBukkit or Spigot. There is a config option to set your plugin on BungeeCord mode to support BungeeCord setups with no need to add the plugin to your BungeeCord proxy.
How to setup
The setup process is described on our Github Wiki.
Configuration options
BedwarsRel offers a great range of configuration options. Every option is described on our Github Wiki.
Plugin Metrics - BedwarsRel is being used on almost 2000 servers!
BedwarsRel captures data about its usage. Data is being sent anonymiously to These metrics can be disabled in BedwarsRel's config.yml.
If you have a question, please have a look on our FAQ-Area first. You can also ask the community on the BedwarsRel discussion thread or on BedwarsRel's chatroom
If you found a bug, please open an issue on Github
If you own a server running BedwarsRel and having at least 25 concurrent players every day, please contact sbinder93 to have it added to this list.
BedwarsRel is being maintained by:
- Yannici (SpigotMC: Yannici | Minecraft: Yannici)
- sebastianbinder (SpigotMC: sbinder93 | Minecraft: sbinder93, sebastianbinder)
- Block-Build (SpigotMC: Block-Build | Minecraft: Jan161)
Español e spanish = Oye hermano si me respondes ha esto me arias feliz. le puedes agregar al pugin unos carteles a los generadores de bronze. hierro y oro para la velocidad? pls esta rebueno el plugin. Porfavor responde
Wow que hermoso plugin hermano :D
Hey i using this plugin on my network and running 3 Bedwars servers but i have problems about some times the bedwars stopping and because of that i need to rollback the map and restart server the problem is on them all 3 servers And its only bedwarsrel, Essentials, Worldedit, Worldguard Plugins
Hi, ich habe ein Problem. Ich habe den Resetbereich ausgewählt wie es in Tutorials erklärt wurde. das Problem, wenn ich einen Block setzte, wird dieser automatisch SOFORT zurückgesetzt bzw. gar nicht gesetzt. Kann ich da was in den Configs ändern ? Bitte schnell antworten! Danke :)
Schau in die konfi :da muss irgendwo stehen: /bw ... und ieses änderst du dann zu /jw....
Can you post the Permissions (for Permissions ex)
dies kannst du bestimmt mit einem programmier baren even pl behebn :D
Dafür musst du in die kofig rein
Wie kann ich machen, dass man für 32 Bronze mehrere Items gelichzeitig bekommt?
Hey i using this plugin on my network and running 3 Bedwars servers but i have problems about some times the bedwars stopping and because of that i need to rollback the map and restart server the problem is on them all 3 servers And its only bedwarsrel, Essentials, Worldedit, Worldguard Plugins
Hallo, ich habe folgendes Problem:
Immer wenn ich versuche, ein Stats Hologramm zu setzen (/bw addholo) kommt im Chat eine Fehlermeldung: An internal error occured while attempting to perform this command
Das Plugin an sich funktioniert ganz normal, nur das Hologramm will sich nicht setzen lassen.
Bitte Hilfe ! :(
Ansonsten: TOP PLUGIN :)
UPDATE: Hatte vergessen HolographicDisplays zu installieren ;)
/bw setholo SpielName
Please read my Pull Request! c:
The maps doesnt reset by me often!!
Die Maps setzten sich oft einfach nicht zurück...
Nein kann ich nciht weil immer wenn ich /bw help eingebe kommt wieder /bw help im Chat
Du must in der Conig Spectation aktivieren!
Wenn das Bett weg ist und der Spieler runterfehlt kommt man zurück in die Lobby, kann man das Plugin so umstellen, dass man das Spiel noch spectaten kann bis es zu Ende ist?