BedwarsRel 1.2.3
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UploadedJul 16, 2015
Size1.29 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.3
Please read the update description!
- Added: Portuguese language!*
- Added: Fully configurable lobby scoreboard (only 1.8)
- Added: Team selection entities (/bw addteamjoin, eg. armor stands)
- Added: Team display in lobby inventroy
- Added: Team colored armor in lobby
- Added: Config to disable team names in chat messages
- Added: Config to enable remaining hearts display on killing
- Fixed: TNT-Sheep target calculation
- Fixed: Team selection bug on 1.7
- Fixed: Multiple update downloads
- Improve: Only sheep eggs will spawn tnt-sheeps now!**
- Many other bugfixes ...
*Portuguese has a bug! Use this locale file instead:
When using TNT-Sheep you need to add meta: 91 to the shop.yml like the following example:
- item1: item: GOLD_INGOT amount: 10 reward: name: "&cTNT-Schaf" lore: - "Aktiviere das TNT-Schaf! Es wird" - "auf den nächsten Gegner zugehen" - "und nach 8 Sekunden explodieren!" item: MONSTER_EGG meta: 91 amount: 1