BedwarsRel 1.1.14
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UploadedMay 29, 2015
Size1.19 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.3
Please read the update description!
- Added support for ColoredTags (fix)
- Added: Warp-Powder (configurable)*
- Added: Protection-Wall (configurable)**
- Added: Bed-Sound configuration
- Added: Spectator menu for teleporting to players
- Added: new config for rescue platform
- Fixed: Update-Message interval
*How to add warp powder?
You just have to add the warp poweder (gunpowder) to the shop. To do that add the following lines to a category in your shop:
- item1: item: IRON_INGOT amount: 7 reward: name: "&fTeleportationspuder" lore: - "Aktiviere dieses Pulver und du wirst" - "in 6 Sekunden an den Spawn teleportiert." - "Achtung: Bewegen bricht den Vorgang ab!" item: 289 amount: 1
** How to add the protection wall?
You just have to add the protection wall to the shop. To do that add the following lines to a category in your shop:
- item1: item: CLAY_BRICK amount: 64 reward: name: "&4Schutzmauer" lore: - "Aktiviere es und erhalte sofort eine" - "5x3 große Mauer vor dir!" item: BRICK amount: 1