BedwarsRel 1.3.5


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  • Uploaded
    Jun 12, 2017
  • Size
    3.10 MB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9
  • 1.8



1.12 Compatibility
This version of BedwarsRel provides compatibility with Minecraft 1.12. Yes, it's now five (5!) major Minecraft server versions you can use with BedwarsRel: 1.8.X, 1.9.X, 1.10.X, 1.11.X or 1.12. But please note that it is very hard to support, develop and test for four different Minecraft versions. There are still too many servers running in an 1.8.X environment. So why not updating your server to latest Minecraft, so that we can drop support for older versions in one of the next releases?


MySQL stats rewrite
As there have been many issues with MySQL support, the whole database system has been rewritten.


A lot of small things
It has been a long time since the last update and a lot of things have changed. So we have forgotten most of it and cannot really mention it here. Let's call it a surprise...


Better translations
From the previous release you already know, that BedwarsRel now integrates with the translation platform "Crowdin". Of course we updated some translations thanks to the great translators we have in the BedwarsRel community. Wanna have the plugin in your language? Head over to the project here and propose some translations. To make use of our completely new translation system, please delete the BedwarsRel/locale directory once if it's still there from older releases (as long as you have not modified the translations). Since people are asking again and again: If you want to use your own translation, please have a look on our wiki - wasn't that hard to find, right?

How To Update

This update should work out of box, just replace the .jar. But as always, you should backup your old configuration-files and check if everything is fine with the config after updating.