
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Mineset Changed!

I might come back to this, but it shall be either renamed to fit in with a series of plugins i might be making or it will be left inactive until i have time! This project will be done but for a while! Unless someone takes my place here. WE WILL BE BACK

What is BedrockRemover? Well, its a special plugin that allows op (and soon players with the correct permission node) to click on bedrock, and remove it! Its a great way to have your mods rid of bedrock without using things like worldedit or having to use creative mode.


Allow you to activate BedrockRemover with /br, and then right-click bedrock with an empty hand and delete a bedrock block Allows you to also use a gold hoe and right click a block and auto-remove the block. (coming soon) Allows you to actually replace the bedrock with another block instantly with commands (preferably with /brp <blockname)

Permission Nodes

[All perms are default to OP]

- Bedrockremover.* (also bedrockremover.admin) Blockremover.mod + Allows you to reload the plugin

- Bedrockremover.mod = Allows you to replace and remove bedrock

- Bedrockremover.halfmod.remove = Allows you to ONLY remove bedrock, not replace

- Bedrockremover.halfmod.replace = Allows you to replace bedrock with any block, but not remove it.

- Bedrockremover.restrictreplace.<blockname> = Allows you to restrict a certain block or certain blocks from being replacing bedrock

Then the individual perms


Bedrockremover.remove = Removes bedrock

Bedrockremover.replace = Allows you to replace bedrock

Bedrockremover.restrictreplace.<blockname> = <blockname> is the block that you cannot replace bedrock with. Restricts replacement of bedrock with certain blocks (e.g. diamondblock or obsidian)

Bedrockremover.reload = Reloads th plugin


/brr = Bedrock removal command, allows you to remove bedrock with an empty hand with right-click

/brreload = Reload the plugin

/brp <blockname> = Replaces the bedrock you click (until executed again) with the block you chose

I am open for anyone use the source code when the plugin is released, just put me in the credits :P


0.1 = Unreleased, under construction


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 25, 2012
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