
Multi Spleef - Configuration


(formerly known as bcSpleef)

overview setup configuration source

commands permissions


RESPAWN_LOC[x,y,z]The location, where players can respawn after leaving an arena. The value (x,y,z) is not required. If no value is specified, the current position of the player executing the command is used. This flag is needed to enable an arena.
WINNER_LOC[x,y,z]The location, where players can respawn after winning a game. The value (x,y,z) is not required. If no value is specified, the current position of the player executing the command is used.
MIN_PLAYER<amount>The minimum player amount in an arena which is needed to start a game. The value must be greater than one.
MAX_PLAYER<amount >The maximum player amount allowed in an arena.
AUTOSTART<amount>The player amount in an arena, where a game in an arena is started automatically. When this flag is set to “0”, a game in it is never starting.
PLAYER_VOTE<true/false>Enables or disables the permission for players, to vote in this arena for starting a game. If this flag is set to false, a game can only be started by a staff member or automatically by the AUTOSTART flag.
ANTI_CAMP_RADIUS<distance>The distance in blocks, which a player has to move within eight seconds. If you want to disable the anti-camp feature in this arena, just set this flag to “0”.
COUNTDOWN<time>The countdown in seconds until a game actually starts after enough players have voted or "/spleef start" is used.
FEE<money>The fee to play a game.
GAMEMODE_ROTATION<random/order>The rotation type for gamemodes in an arena. Only random or order are valid values.

Flags are not case sensitive. Either RESPAWN_LOC or ReSpAwN_LoC is working.

Layer types

BLOCKSUse the blocks, which are already present at this layer, so you can create totally individual layers.
FILLED<id[:dmgvalue]>The whole layer is filled with one block type. As a parameter the id or the material name and optionally a damage value are needed.
MIXED_WOOLThe whole layer gets filled with mixed, random wool.
MIXED_CLAYThe whole layer gets filled with mixed, random stained clay.
MIXED_GLASSThe whole layer gets filled with mixed, random stained glass.
MIXED_FROM<id[:dmgvalue],id[:dmgvalue],…>The whole layer gets filled with mixed, random blocks from the parameter.
RANDOM_FROM<id[:dmgvalue],id[:dmgvalue],…>The whole layer gets filled with one random block from the parameter.
RANDOM_WOOLThe whole layer gets filled with one random wool type.
RANDOM_CLAYThe whole layer gets filled with one random stained clay type.
RANDOM_GLASSThe whole layer gets filled with one random stained glass type.