bChatManager - The easy to use chat manager for bukkit
What is this?
bChatManager is an easy to use chat plugin for bukkit. Now supporting any plugin that works with vault, it has a number of features such as:
- Supports most plugins that provide prefixes
- Intuitive messaging format based off the twitter @messaging system
- Factions support
bChatManager was originally forked off the PEX ChatManager, so users coming from pex may vaguely recognise the config file. (even though I completely reworked it)
Installation and Usage
- Vault
- Craftbukkit
Once you've installed the plugin (which I'm not going to go into here, if you can't put a jar file in a folder then god help you), you may want to configure it. Here is the default config.
formats: message-format: '%prefix %player: &f%message' local-message-format: '[LOCAL] %prefix %player: &f%message' personal-message-format: '[MSG] [%player -> %reciever] &f%message' op-message-format: '&c[OPS ONLY] %player: &f%message' me-format: '* %player %message' toggles: control-me: true ranged-mode: false special-features: true other: chat-range: 100.0
- message format: Format of a global chat message
- local-message-format: Format of a local chat message.
- personal-message-format: Format of the @messaging messages
- me-format: Format for /me
- op-message-format: Op only message format
- control-me: Toggle whether bChatManager should handle /me
- ranged-mode: Toggles local messages. Doesn't work with chat channels.
- special-featues: Toggles whether @messaging and !global messaging in local chat should be enabled,
- chat-range: If local chat is enabled, this sets how far the players can speak
Special Chat Functions
- !message - Sends a message globally. Only useful in ranged mode.
- @playername message - Sends a private message to another player on the server. Can autocomplete the name, so if you have someonee called "OmG_CoMpleX1234" you could just do @omg message to message them. You can also message ops with @ops message.
Formatting Placeholders
- %message - Message text
- %player - Player's name
- %prefix - Player's prefix
- %suffix - Player's suffix
- %group - Player's group
- %world - World the player is in
- %mvworld - Multiverse formatted world tag. Requires bChatManager 3.1 and Multiverse core
- %faction - the faction the player is in. Requires factions 2.0
- %displayname - displayname of the player. USE THIS FOR ESSENTIALS NICKS
- Colors you can use - http:www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Classic_server_protocol#Color_Codes for the colors. Alternatively, try this site - http://buildworx-mc.com/bukkitColor/
- &l - bold text
- &m - striked text
- &n - underlined text
- &o - italic text
Permissions nodes
- bchatmanager.chat.global - allows you to use global chat in local chat
- bchatmanager.chat.color - allows you to color chat
- bchatmanager.chat.message - allows you to @message someone
- bchatmanager.spy - 1.3.2 feature, allows you to hear all PM's and local messages
- /me <message> - the /me command
- /bchatreload (must have the permissions bchatmanager.reload or be op) - Reloads bChatManager
Why did you remove the chat channels?
The way I had implemented chat channels was terrible. It was buggy, the code was convulted and messy, and I really should't have released it. Chat channels have therefore been removed from bChatManager 3.0 until I can implement them in a more robust fashion.
Older versions of bChatManager had a anonymous plugin stats tool called MCStats built into bChatManager. If you're using one of these older versions, and wish to disable it, find the PluginMetrics folder in your plugins folder and edit the config.yml to disable the stats :). If you wish to see these stats, they are publically avaliable https://mcstats.org/plugin/bChatManager. All the information there is the information that gets sent. Nothing else.
Video Tutorial (Thanks to BukkitTeacher)
Latest version is 3.0. Download from http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bchatmanager/files/26-bchat-manager-v3-1-4/ today!
Development builds of this project can now be acquired at the provided continuous integration server located at http://rymatemc.co.uk/jenkins/job/bChatManager/
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Source code!
My github is at https://github.com/rymate1234/bChatManager Feel free to fork me :P
The bottom bit
Any suggestions on how I can improve this plugin? Post in the comments! And if you need any help, also feel free to post on the forums section of this :)
what was the issue?
I did, it didn't work @rymate1234
Essentials nick is used by replacing %player with %displayname in the config file
As for factions, in mstore/factions_mconf/instance.json (wherever that is) try changing the config option "chatSetFormat" to false
Hey, developer of bChatManager here!
If you want, you could contribute the modifications to the github! https://github.com/rymate1234/bChatManager
I've made a FactionsUUID version of bChatManager.
If anybody wants the link to it, just add cribexmc.0d1e on skype and I'll give you it.
Can you make it override factions prefixes? when i install factions with bchatmanager it completely removes bchatmanager's prefixes even after i alter the factions config to set to lowest and whatnot.
please? i'll even pay you for a custom version if you dont want a overriding one in the default.
Also can you make it work for essentialsnick?
Hay man, I have a feature request for you its quite a big one but it is totally fecking awesome.
Id like to see the ability to incude in the formatting atleast the tooltips that show when you hover over some text. in chat with your mouse ( extra info can be shown on there like balance , faction , group even. ) and maybe while ur at it you can support the button system thats where you can click some text in the chat and it can either run a command or pre type it for you.
There is a plugin on spigot that does this already but it only formats the Global chat across Bungecord servers and it wont handle the Local chat So Iv been looking for a local chat plugin that has the same features but none do!
here is the plugin that does it it even has the source code there for you to look at. for a live demo you can join my server and type a message in chat. mc.ozcraft.com.au type a message and then open chat and hover your mouse on the "<" or click your own name.
This is all made possible using the 1.7 chat features that were added.
Hey, How can you add the Job Titles to peoples names from the plugin Jobs the internal chat editor is disabled and it says to use {jobs} Should I putting this in the global chat format or in the permissions plugin?
Hi, could you possibly add an option to charge players for using global chat? Thanks for the awesome plugin.
Reload command doesn't working...not reloading config + Factions prefixes doesn't working too. I think and *
it does, just configure bChatManager to use %displayname
Can you make it so /nick works
I would also love a permission for users to use /me. I don't want everybody to be able to use /me, but to prevent that I have to block /me entirely. Now I can't use it either.
Is there a possibility of a way to disable the use of ! and not @? I use pwnfilter with EpicaTrain's configs with use ! a lot for custom commands. Though I could use a different symbol, many people are accustomed to ! for the commands that we've come up with to add onto pwnfilter.
We don't use ranged chat, so it's not really of any use for us.
If not, we could try to acquaint people with using a different symbol.
Hi there,
I was wondering if this plugin supports SimpleClans? The author of Simpleclans claims that SC and bChatmanager are compatible, but I haven't been able to figure out how. %faction doesn't work, and %clan appears to crash the plugin. I've tried finding a wiki or something, but I can't really find anything in the recent past.
Thanks in advance!
Hey, I see that the listener has lowest priority for the chat event but for some reason other plugins are not able to override bChatmanager to change the colour of a user's name.
Any help?
Doesn't look like there's an API for me to hook into, so no, I can't support towny.
you can give support towny? Thank you.
I'll look into it
Nametag edit support?