bChatManager - The easy to use chat manager for bukkit
What is this?
bChatManager is an easy to use chat plugin for bukkit. Now supporting any plugin that works with vault, it has a number of features such as:
- Supports most plugins that provide prefixes
- Intuitive messaging format based off the twitter @messaging system
- Factions support
bChatManager was originally forked off the PEX ChatManager, so users coming from pex may vaguely recognise the config file. (even though I completely reworked it)
Installation and Usage
- Vault
- Craftbukkit
Once you've installed the plugin (which I'm not going to go into here, if you can't put a jar file in a folder then god help you), you may want to configure it. Here is the default config.
formats: message-format: '%prefix %player: &f%message' local-message-format: '[LOCAL] %prefix %player: &f%message' personal-message-format: '[MSG] [%player -> %reciever] &f%message' op-message-format: '&c[OPS ONLY] %player: &f%message' me-format: '* %player %message' toggles: control-me: true ranged-mode: false special-features: true other: chat-range: 100.0
- message format: Format of a global chat message
- local-message-format: Format of a local chat message.
- personal-message-format: Format of the @messaging messages
- me-format: Format for /me
- op-message-format: Op only message format
- control-me: Toggle whether bChatManager should handle /me
- ranged-mode: Toggles local messages. Doesn't work with chat channels.
- special-featues: Toggles whether @messaging and !global messaging in local chat should be enabled,
- chat-range: If local chat is enabled, this sets how far the players can speak
Special Chat Functions
- !message - Sends a message globally. Only useful in ranged mode.
- @playername message - Sends a private message to another player on the server. Can autocomplete the name, so if you have someonee called "OmG_CoMpleX1234" you could just do @omg message to message them. You can also message ops with @ops message.
Formatting Placeholders
- %message - Message text
- %player - Player's name
- %prefix - Player's prefix
- %suffix - Player's suffix
- %group - Player's group
- %world - World the player is in
- %mvworld - Multiverse formatted world tag. Requires bChatManager 3.1 and Multiverse core
- %faction - the faction the player is in. Requires factions 2.0
- %displayname - displayname of the player. USE THIS FOR ESSENTIALS NICKS
- Colors you can use - http:www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Classic_server_protocol#Color_Codes for the colors. Alternatively, try this site - http://buildworx-mc.com/bukkitColor/
- &l - bold text
- &m - striked text
- &n - underlined text
- &o - italic text
Permissions nodes
- bchatmanager.chat.global - allows you to use global chat in local chat
- bchatmanager.chat.color - allows you to color chat
- bchatmanager.chat.message - allows you to @message someone
- bchatmanager.spy - 1.3.2 feature, allows you to hear all PM's and local messages
- /me <message> - the /me command
- /bchatreload (must have the permissions bchatmanager.reload or be op) - Reloads bChatManager
Why did you remove the chat channels?
The way I had implemented chat channels was terrible. It was buggy, the code was convulted and messy, and I really should't have released it. Chat channels have therefore been removed from bChatManager 3.0 until I can implement them in a more robust fashion.
Older versions of bChatManager had a anonymous plugin stats tool called MCStats built into bChatManager. If you're using one of these older versions, and wish to disable it, find the PluginMetrics folder in your plugins folder and edit the config.yml to disable the stats :). If you wish to see these stats, they are publically avaliable https://mcstats.org/plugin/bChatManager. All the information there is the information that gets sent. Nothing else.
Video Tutorial (Thanks to BukkitTeacher)
Latest version is 3.0. Download from http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bchatmanager/files/26-bchat-manager-v3-1-4/ today!
Development builds of this project can now be acquired at the provided continuous integration server located at http://rymatemc.co.uk/jenkins/job/bChatManager/
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Source code!
My github is at https://github.com/rymate1234/bChatManager Feel free to fork me :P
The bottom bit
Any suggestions on how I can improve this plugin? Post in the comments! And if you need any help, also feel free to post on the forums section of this :)
Well my problem also occured at other servers.
Using bChatManager 2.0.1 with bPermissions 2.9.24
Users have bchatmanager.color and can't write colored. I have /op and I can't /bchatreload and stuff.
This plugin used to work but now it doesn't show [groupname] before <message> and now this error pops up whenever someone types something. In this example I typed "f." please help bros.
Yeah, same deal. I have other plugins that use Async I believe. No issues with them.
I have 1.3.2. Not sure why it's reporting otherwise.
Im getting the same error and im running 1.3.2 and no tekkit.
you have minecraft 1.2.5
are you having a tekkit server?
if you have mc 1.2.5, use v2.0-b1
I get this whenever someone tries to PM.
I'm having some of the same problems /bchatreload only works from console, and everyone can use every other command even though they have no permissions at all.
Can't seem to get this plugin working properly. It acts as though nobody has the permissions to do anything (even though they do). I can't even issue the /bchatreload command after using /op on myself. I'm using bPermissions v2.9.21 and bChatManager v2.0.1 on Craftbukkit 1.3.1-R2.0.
When you do /join it creates a channel. I may add a permissions node to stop users being able to create a chat channel.
And how is the persistence file gonna take up HDD space? The default file, with only one channel in, is 440 bytes.
I never saw the point of having a yml file for the channels because there is literally nothing to configure about channels. Its only supposed to be a basic implementation, nothing more.
If basic chat channels are really causing a bother on your server, then DISABLE THEM.
I am confused How Do i make more channels
Please for the love of god don't tell me users can make them..... YUP they can That's STUPID To the max talk about blowing out the file size and chewing HDD space.
I have given my users the permissions you said and a white message is still showing up saying the administrator does not allow the ussage of this command then it does it any way.... and it works....
However you have some bugs i typed /join rustydagger and it said your active channel is now hello and i had just left the channel hello.... However when i typed I had rustydagger before my name...
I don't think any server can use the Chat channels in the state Of mess they are in.
Here is what I think should be done to fix this HDD clogging mess.
Config to create channel's with a bunch of settings just as per channel range/global maybe a per channel format. etc Add to the join permissions such as bchatmanager.join.<channel name> to restrict access to channels. add a /chat command and have join etc under it like /chat join not just /join then you can add a /chat list and it would list the channels the user has permission to JOIN ( not all channels )
I think all the above would make it very usable for me and many others.
Hey, I recently got this plug-in to use on my server, but I am having troubles with it, namely whenever someone sends a message, the following error occurs:
To be sure it isn't an error on my part configuring the config file, my version is below:
EDIT: I have resolved the issue, thankfully I thought to check the version I had, and found I was on 2.0-b2 not 2.0-b3
@ljprevo There should be a metrics folder or stats folder in your plugins folder
there''s a config file there
Please give us a way to turn this off, it is not needed.
02.09 15:25:48 [Server] INFO [Metrics] Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://metrics.griefcraft.com/report/bChatManager
add %group allow %group %prefix %suffix to be loaded via priroity. parse prefixes and suffixes and groups individually.
ie the highest priority prefix is loaded, the highest priority suffix is loaded. and highest priority group is loaded.
allow prefies/suffixes to be seperated from groups. so that you can have any combination of groups / prefixes / suffixes and playernames (with essentials nickname support.
Assume a display set of: %prefix %group %displayname %suffix: %message standard player without any prefixes/suffixes. Part of citizen group.... citizens has NO prefixes / suffixes. displayname = Citizen Melekaiah
Melekaiah gains the group Adventurer with only "prefix: Brave" displayname Brave Citizen Melekaiah
Melekaiah gains the group. "needshower" with only "suffix: the stinky" displayname = Brave Citizen Melekaiah the stinky
i have not found any mod that can do this properly with bperm yet.
ok, but now i cant get it work ...
would not work.
eather if i put a suffix in bPermissions into the group.yml or into the user.yml nothing would work.
config.yml from bChatManager looks like
channel-chat-format: '[%channel] %prefix %suffix %player: &f%message'
If you have chat channels enabled, you need to configure the channel-chat-format
edit the config file? :)
I can't seem to get the colors to work. I used the MC color codes provided but all I get is 'white'
ex: message-format: '%prefix &2%player: &f%message'