BBLottery is a lottery - nothing more, nothing less. It features multiple tickets for the lottery, some stats about the lottery, configuration of the intervall a ticketnumber is drawn, the initial pot, the ticketrange,price and tax and how many tickets may be bought.
intervall: The time between drawings in minutes
pot: The inital jackpot, every time someone wins, it gets reset to this amount
range: The ticket-range, the higher this number, the less likey it is that the lottery is won (each ticket has a chance of 1/range to win)
maxTickets: How many tickets a player may buy per round
ticketPrice: How much a ticket costs
tax: Tax on the tickets, so not the full price gets added to the jackpot
If you set the range to -1, the tickets will be given out in order, so first one to buy a ticket gets #1, second #2 and so on, and the winnig ticket will be taken from the bought tickets
- /lottery - Shows the help
- /lottery buy [ticketnumber] - buys a ticket with the given number, if no number is given, buys a random Ticket
- /lottery give <player> [ticketnumber] - like /lottery buy, but buys ticket for another player (target has to be online)
- /lottery info- current jackpot, tickets the player has bought and how much money a player would get if he won with a ticket
- /lottery stats - shows some stats about the lottery
Some admin-comands:
- /lottery reload - reloads the config
- /lottery draw [-f]- forces the lottery to draw a ticketnumber and start the next round, if -f is set it also reloads the lottery.yml
- - You can buy a ticket
- - You can buy up to <maxTickets> tickets
- - You can buy a ticket for someone else
- bblottery.draw - You can force the next round
- bblottery.reload - You can reload the config
Fix Resetting Tickets-bug- Draw at specific time
- Suggestions!
Requires Vault and an economy-plugin
If you want to thank me, a little donation on Paypal is appreciated:
It does not work!!!11
If you encounter any problems with BBLottery give me as much info as you have, so that I can help you to the best I can. You got an error? go to the Server-Log and look for the error-message/stacktrace. Version of the plugin and Bukkit you are using would also be nice. Got no error-message? Then tell me what you were doing/typing. If I don't know what happend I can't fix it.
Small update: I am working on it and there are just a few small things left to fix. So in the next days I should have a working version with the features you requested.
I don't want to take up too much of your time, but I would really appreciate if you could do this.
That would take a bit longer, I would have to rewrite quite a bit...but I will see what I can do
I just thought of an idea, what if the tickets were given in order so there is just one number per person. For example, the first person to get a ticket get #1, second gets #2, and so on. Then /lottery draw just picks a number 1 through the number of tickets given out. If you could do this I would be inclined to give you a donation.
Well, I have a plugin that runs a list of commands that I specify when a player votes. So I was I would have the plugin run the command /lottery give <name> or whatever you decide to make the command. So if the console is running the command in this case I guess the ticket could be free or cost money as it doesn't make a difference. I might me more universally practical for other server owners if the giver paid, but as long as the console can give tickets I'll be happy.
Sooo, while adding the feature you asked for a question came to my mind: How would should the ticket be 'bought'? Should it be free, should the giver pay or should the one receiving the ticket pay?
there would be no option that would need adding, it would be enough to just not give the players the permission to buy tickets. But the additional command would still be needed, and that would be just a few lines of code. I think I can upload a version with this feature within the next few days, 1 week tops depending on what comes up. You do not have to pay me for this, but if you insist on giving me money, I accept donations ;)
Well I was thinking more along the lines of adding an option in the config where you can disable the purchasing of tickets. Thus making it so the only way they can receive a ticket is through an op giving it to them. So there would have to be a command like /lottery give (name). If you were willing to customize this a bit more for me, I would be willing to pay.
What would you need for that? An additional command? If the plugin you are using is working on a different basis ask the developer of that plugin to contact me and I will work something out woth him/her
You should add support for giving people tickets and not allowing them to purchase tickets. I want to make it so if they vote, they get a ticket.
@camzam3618 The last time I checked it was working perfectly, I am using it on my server and there are no problems. If there are issues tell me and I will try to help^^
Hey dose this plugin work iv looked at it and it looks ok but iv try'd to get 2 others and they dident work so i really dont want to stuuf it up again please help me
This plugin is just a view hours old, so yeah, it is still alive^^
Und übersetzen kann ichs selbst, ich bin selbst Deutscher, ich sitze schon an der Anpassung vom Code um weitere Sprachen zu unterstützen, aber danke^^
Is this plugin still alive and if it is so, do you need a translator who translate the plugin into german?