BattleTracker (Abandoned)
PvP Death messages
Customizable death messages for PvP deaths.
Allows use of Herochat channels for messages.
Records stats for PvP and PvE kills
Stats include, wins,losses,ties, streak, maxstreak, ranking, maxranking
- /pvp
- /pvp top [x] : show the top x highest rated players
- /pvp vs [x records] : shows the last x records vs another player
- /pvp vs [x records]: shows the records between player1 and player2
Leaderboard Signs
You can make leaderboard signs for PvP, PvE, or any other plugin that uses BattleTracker as a backend (like BattleArena). These signs will update every minute.
To make them, you make a sign where the first line is [ database name ] where database name is PvP,PvE, or if you have BattleArena, any of the databases from the configs, like Arena, Spleef.
The second line is what type of data will be shown. Examples: Rating, Wins,Kills,Losses,Deaths, Streak,MaxStreak,KDRatio,WLRatio,MaxRating
[PvP] Rating
Once that is done, the sign is complete and it will automatically convert signs above or below it into Top Signs, (though it won't convert signs that start with the character '[').
Video Tutorial
Personal Stats
Clicking on a leaderboard sign will show you your personal stats. A big thanks to MCForger for the code to do this.
Has an api for storing your own stats. Allows you to make top lists, give elo to different events, etc.
Information Collection
To see what statistics this plugin may collect and send out from your server. See Information Collection. This can be disabled in BattlePluginsAPI/config.yml
This plugin checks for new bukkit release versions which can be disabled in the BattleTracker/config.yml
You can ask me questions in real time on irc when I'm on. You can usually find me in the room battleplugins in IRC through a browser
Is it possible to see the Rating in front of a player's name when he's chatting.
seems to be working for me. just wondering why the signs dont attempt to show more of a players name though?
hi, there is a problem with mypet, i made a ticket
For some reason the death messages do not show I saw a comment that on another site saying that once he removed health bars it worked. But I dont think thats why because I know a server that has health bars and Battle tracker and the death messages show
[suggestion] needed
OP perm /btpvp playername reset
resets the playername to default ELO and 0,0,0,0,0 stats (or just deletes him from database)
@Alkarin Wanted to make sure you saw this
also am getting these errors sometimes in console
HI ! About 20% of the time when players die, the plugin spams "player has died" about 10 times Then this plugin counts it has 10 deaths for their ratios.
Any Idea what is causing this ? Any fixes?
I'm getting a strange bug with this plugin, Signs that have KDRatio or WLRatio, seem to randomly change to Rating, however my Streak sign always stays the same? O.o
Any ideas? I have to keep re-setting the signs on almost a daily basis
My signs keep updating but nothing updates
Anyways to store as webstats?
I'll try to get that out today... Essentials and me are both overriding. So I'll figure out something.
It should just be the animal name. But I've heard they still appear on the top signs and I'll be fixing that as well.
how to ignore some animals? I don't know the format
Can you force death-messages to be displayed even if they are disabled in Essentials ?
It is not possible actually. If I set death-messages to false in Essentials, nothing is displayed.
So that looks like either BattleArena or BattleTracker wasnt updated or some sort of pluginManager or /reload problem.
If its a version problem, just update both you should be good.
if its a plugin manager or /reload problem.. the next restart should fix
Also spams messages when a player dies sometimes, someone gets credit for 10 kills.
I'll start a message with you. But I need to know where the NullPointerException is happening. Usually the stacktrace has a bunch of lines that points to the location.
I wrote it 4 messages below. -
"2013-07-30 16:05:03 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling BattleTracker v2.5.5.1 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NullPointerException" -
That's how it looks like. How would You like in action something what doesn't work at all ?
Whats your ip Sekatorr, I would like to see this in action. and can you also pastebin the part of the server.log that says "is it up to date"? Maybe that has clues as to what is going on here.
Did it ten times, still nothing. Still have information about {is it up to date} Still empty config Still nothing