What is BattleNight?
BattleNight is an organized PvP CraftBukkit plugin which makes the normal PvP experience a lot more enjoyable by adding configurable RPG like classes and a arena system. Some of the major features are:
- Easy to set up
- Easy to use
- Build your own Arenas!
- Create your own classes!
- Multiple Battle types (TDM, FFA)
- Permissions (SuperPerms) or Op
- State saving
- Music
- Update checking (Can be disabled in config.yml)
Getting Started
A quickstart guide, command list and more can be found on the BattleNight wiki.
How does it differ from similar plugins?
I aim to make BattleNight easy to use, easy to set-up and bug free while maintaining a constant addition of features. I spend time reading your comments, suggestions and bug reports to insure that it is best suited the majority of the community and is running seamlessly on your servers.
I'm a student who spends a lot of time working on BattleNight and BattleNight addons so any donations are greatly appreciated. The donate link is located at the top right of this page.
2013-09-28 18:02:19 [INFO] trusak55 issued server command: /bn join
2013-09-28 18:02:19 [INFO] [BattleNight] Saved
2013-09-28 18:02:19 [SEVERE] null org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'bn' in plugin BattleNight v1.9.2 at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( at at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.PlayerConnection.a( at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.Packet3Chat.handle(SourceFile:49) at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.NetworkManager.b( at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.PlayerConnection.e( at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.ServerConnection.b(SourceFile:37) at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.DedicatedServerConnection.b(SourceFile:30) at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.t( at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.DedicatedServer.t( at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.s( at at Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Health must be between 0 and 15.0 at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.entity.CraftLivingEntity.setHealth( at me.limebyte.battlenight.core.util.player.PlayerData.reset( at me.limebyte.battlenight.core.battle.SimpleLobby.addPlayer( at me.limebyte.battlenight.core.commands.JoinCommand.onPerformed( at me.limebyte.battlenight.core.commands.BattleNightCommand.perform( at me.limebyte.battlenight.core.commands.CommandManager.onCommand( at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ... 15 more
What is it???
Any idea for when the update :D ? (Can't wait for the commands :p) !
Thanks you so much !
Also, it seems (or i can't find) that there's no per kit permissions ? Can you add this feature in a next release :D ?
Thanks !
Other feature request : Can you add random spawn point for blue teams and red teams... like blue teams can only spawn on "these" spawn point, and red team only on "these" spawn point... etc...
Also can you add a way to know in wich team a player is, like a red wool on the head ?
Don't forget to update this page :
Done! Are you from NZ? That's way cool! I'm in Aus :D
Looks good. Had a couple of games :)
Aha. Gotcha. Thanks :)
I removed magic numbers so you need to use "iron-block" for the ReadyBlock option in the config. Here's a working config for an example:
Ill add those commands to my todo list. To vote make sure you are using the number not the name of the arena.
The start isn't working. You can't click the iron block? O.o
Edit: Whoops, replied to the wrong comment. Sorry!
i just woted but can you answer me plz :p
Can you add a command to "join the battle" (A command instead of tapping on a block) and a command for choose the kit instead of clickin on a sign :) ? Thanks ! Also the vote commands seems to note working it say that the arena doesn't exist O.
@alexrs98 @WauloK @nick331999 @beleedad
Update! Please vote if you can :)
Please fix the BUG there with worldguard and PVP, PVP means there in all its regions. Thank you!
Sweet! Looking forward to it! This is honestly the BEST PVP plugin on here. I've tried too many to list :)
If you need help testing, I'm a plugin developer too now so can help out all I can :)
Update coming soon. (Hopefully this week, just need to test)
I might have to find another PVP plugin. hmm
This is a great plugin, please continue to update it, LimeBye!
Now making the 6th map all looks good, separate worlds rules.
Dynamic World map Link
1 smal problem i got the config set:
But we get the msg: cant use portal in game. edit: (nether portals from multiverse.)
Yeah I raised a ticket. I guess we just wait :)