BattleNight v1.4.0
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UploadedOct 29, 2012
Size118.20 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.3.2-R3.0
Version 1.4.0
Even though I thought this "should" be called version 1.3.0, I decided to name it 1.4.0 as this version brings a lot and is almost prepared to add some of the larger planed features in. With this version I would highly recommend deleting your BattleNight folder and generating a new one because of the new config system. At this point in time I have exams coming up which I need to study for so I will not be updating any documentation until after them. For help with the new commands use the "/bn help" menu. Also check out the known caveats below for why deadly projectiles don't damage players.
- Lost experience
- Commands not working in the console
- Players not being able to damage themselves
- Command blocker not working as it should
- Class signs not clearing
- Possible fix for teleport falling/damage
- Added coloured nameplates (Using TagAPI, this will install automatically)
- Brand new command system
- The waypoint command now requires "set" first
- There are now better usage messages
- Added aliases to some commands
- The kick command can now have a reason
- The waypoint command can now take cords
- Added announce command
- Added Teleport command
- New chat pages
- Improved help page (/bn help)
- Improved version page (/bn version)
- Smoke effects for class selection
- New config system
- Projectile damage that will kill you has been blocked to prevent this Bukkit bug/crash from occurring. I will re-enable it as soon as it is fixed.
- Config DummyItem as a workaround for classes with less than 2 items