BattleArena (Abandoned)
If you have any questions please contact our support team
Battle Arena
Minigames Framework, PvP, and Solo combat with limitless customization
For updated files, please use the BattleArena2 page. It has all of our updated files, and many of the issues that exist in the latest version here have been fixed through updates.
Default Competitions (all changeable)
- Arena: Fight with what is given to you in the config. You can't bring items in or out
- Skirmish: Bring in what you want to fight with, you take out whatever you pick up
- Battlegrounds: Winner is the highest kills after 1 minute. 4 teams may compete
- Colosseum: 4 teams against each other, last man standing wins
- FFA: last player/team left standing wins
- deathmatch: 2 minute event where if you die you respawn. Highest kills wins
- tourney: Pick a match type and do a single elimination tournament of that type.
Features (some of them)
- Give players "classes"
- Give or Take away Items and effects
- Duel other players in any of the match types
- Custom prizes for victors, losers, etc
- Store/restore items/experience/gamemode, or not (if you want them to bring their own gear)
- Teleport players to arenas and back
- Let players respawn after death or not
- Wool Heads for teams
- Multiple language support
Advanced Setup Links
- Config Setup
- Adding Signs : support for joining/leaving and status
- Tourneys
- WorldGuard Regions
- Dueling
- Classes Tutorial : Ideas for classes
- Spawn chests/items/mobs/blocks
Youtube Tutorials
Different games made for BattleArena
Beta Games
Games that are fully functional but could still use feedback to make them great Arena One in the Chamber
Games made by other developers
- SurvivalArena : A Survival Games based plugin
- ArenaFootbal : Play soccer with other players
- ArenaRailgun : Allows item customization with properties
- BowSpleef : Bows and Spleef are a perfect marriage!
Tracking Wins/Losses and Rating
If you want to have wins/losses/streaks/rating/ kd-ratio and leaderboards that is done through my other plugin BattleTracker which handles all stats.
- BattleTracker, complete pvp stat tracking system
API Developing
- BattleArena is a fully fledged API. Create your own custom events
- API Example | BattleArena Source
Most Recent Update
Information Collection
To see what statistics this plugin may collect and send out from your server. See Information Collection. This can be disabled in BattlePluginsAPI/config.yml
This plugin checks for new bukkit release versions which can be disabled in the BattleArena/config.yml
You can ask me questions in real time on irc when I'm on. You can usually find me in the room #battleplugins or #battledev in IRC through a browser.
This bug has been reported by other users, and is being investigated.
Why the "...." ?
You can give cash rewards through vault. If Vault is installed, BattleArena will detect it.
Even though I set the Waitroom for FFA It spawns me into the match, not the waitroom
How do I go about bypassing friendly fire in factions?
Can this plugin and its connected plugins hook into economy plugins?
@Europia79 works as well. ;)
Our updated files work with all versions.
Please update, it's not working with the latest World Edit. :/
xmercycrew, link the server startup using a pasty service like or
Or private message me or Zach and we can help you setup BattleArena
Please go to and download the latest file. It has the latest updates.
Hi, world guard disables BattleArena and the plugin ArenaPaintball! How can I fix this?
Get BattleArena v3.9.9.11+
Next time, pastie the server log to pastebin or hastebin and give us the link.
Okay so i found the problem for my BattleArena not working on my server it was because of worldguard and i tried installing wg again and then the same error message was popping up when i typed /ba "Problem loading plugin, please send errors on startup to alkarin_v" it was because of worldguard does BattleArena not work with WorldGuard?
As for the first one; that error is ok, it is a temporary problem an will be fixed soon. That being said, it should not effect the plugin at all.
Now for the second one (the one asking if the plugin is up to date); There are many other lines to the error than that. To give you any help I will need those as well. Also, to prevent spam in the comments, please use a tool like to share your errors :)
31.12 15:22:00 [Server] ERROR Error occurred while enabling BattleArena v3.9.7.9 (Is it up to date?) <- thats when i restart it
31.12 15:13:59 [Server] WARN at 31.12 15:13:59 [Server] WARN at mc.battleplugins.api.BattlePluginsAPI$ 31.12 15:13:59 [Server] WARN at mc.battleplugins.api.BattlePluginsAPI.sendStatistics( 31.12 15:13:59 [Server] WARN at 31.12 15:13:59 [Server] WARN at Source) 31.12 15:13:59 [Server] WARN
i didnt get anything i got that msg in chat when i tried using /ba
Yes, you would find them right above the message you got saying to send the errors to alkarin.
let me go get them and sorry im new to all this stuff and where do i find these errors the console im guessing?