BattleArena (Abandoned)
If you have any questions please contact our support team
Battle Arena
Minigames Framework, PvP, and Solo combat with limitless customization
For updated files, please use the BattleArena2 page. It has all of our updated files, and many of the issues that exist in the latest version here have been fixed through updates.
Default Competitions (all changeable)
- Arena: Fight with what is given to you in the config. You can't bring items in or out
- Skirmish: Bring in what you want to fight with, you take out whatever you pick up
- Battlegrounds: Winner is the highest kills after 1 minute. 4 teams may compete
- Colosseum: 4 teams against each other, last man standing wins
- FFA: last player/team left standing wins
- deathmatch: 2 minute event where if you die you respawn. Highest kills wins
- tourney: Pick a match type and do a single elimination tournament of that type.
Features (some of them)
- Give players "classes"
- Give or Take away Items and effects
- Duel other players in any of the match types
- Custom prizes for victors, losers, etc
- Store/restore items/experience/gamemode, or not (if you want them to bring their own gear)
- Teleport players to arenas and back
- Let players respawn after death or not
- Wool Heads for teams
- Multiple language support
Advanced Setup Links
- Config Setup
- Adding Signs : support for joining/leaving and status
- Tourneys
- WorldGuard Regions
- Dueling
- Classes Tutorial : Ideas for classes
- Spawn chests/items/mobs/blocks
Youtube Tutorials
Different games made for BattleArena
Beta Games
Games that are fully functional but could still use feedback to make them great Arena One in the Chamber
Games made by other developers
- SurvivalArena : A Survival Games based plugin
- ArenaFootbal : Play soccer with other players
- ArenaRailgun : Allows item customization with properties
- BowSpleef : Bows and Spleef are a perfect marriage!
Tracking Wins/Losses and Rating
If you want to have wins/losses/streaks/rating/ kd-ratio and leaderboards that is done through my other plugin BattleTracker which handles all stats.
- BattleTracker, complete pvp stat tracking system
API Developing
- BattleArena is a fully fledged API. Create your own custom events
- API Example | BattleArena Source
Most Recent Update
Information Collection
To see what statistics this plugin may collect and send out from your server. See Information Collection. This can be disabled in BattlePluginsAPI/config.yml
This plugin checks for new bukkit release versions which can be disabled in the BattleArena/config.yml
You can ask me questions in real time on irc when I'm on. You can usually find me in the room #battleplugins or #battledev in IRC through a browser.
There really isn't any explanation of types, so ill just write it out. For completely different types I'll be releasing Paintball, spleef, which are all made just need to put them up on bukkit.
The match types are all based around the config.yml file. By default here are the match types, but you can change these around however you want.
Match Types:
I have a simple fix for this:
1. Make the arena a Factions Warzone. 2. Change the config setting in factions: warzonepowerloss to false.
Done. Hope this is what u wanted!
It works in the last update! Thanks! :P
1vs1 is working perfectly.
BTW.. where can i see what each arena type does?
hehe if you subcribe to page you can dl when it is waiting for aproval but thanks. :D Power is used for claiming and ruling land with factions. Players don't want to join arena because of they die and when they die they lose power which leaves them more vulnerable to other factions that wants there land. Higher power can take over lower power factions land basically.
So the easiest way to make a ffa arena is like this.
if you use the arena create command you also need to change the type.
Lol, i have no idea what losing power means. But I know factions is popular, so i'll see what I can do.
new version 3.6.2 is waiting for approval, hopefully tonight.
This may be quite a bit to ask for but could you add factions support? Like no losing power in certain arenas.
And I am trying to make my first arena named myArena into a ffa arena with 4 spawns.
I tried /arena alter myArena type ffa
says Arena 'myArena' does not exist /arena alter <arena>
I evened tried adding more spawns but says the same thing. I dont no whats up :(
Hey woechie many plugins require special permissions to run. So you can either download one of the many permissions plugins. Or use the default bukkit permissions.
To use the default bukkit permissions. Open up the permissions.yml file with an editor, and then add the permissions there. Below is an example that gives all players the right to join all matches/events. BE CAREFUL AND ONLY USE SPACES NOT TABS!!!! yml files crash hard on tabs... do not use them. ;)
I basically made that from, and So refer to those for more info on perms.
it sounds a little stupid but i dont know wat i need to do with those codes
check out the permission setup.
Permissions Setup
i downloaded the plugin it works but if anyone else wants to join my arena it gives an error 'you dont have the permission to do that' how do i give them permission? help me please
That error says that one of the commands could not be found. Almost sounds like a plugin.yml problem, do you happen to have a plugin that registers the command dm, or deathmatch?
As for the arenas, that is odd. Are there any errors on console?
I got this weird error when starting up the server:
Also: I can create arenas. But whenever people join the arena(versus) they get in queue but the arena never starts and people are waiting forever.
I think you are editing the config.yml correctly, but the config is only read at the server startup. If you want to reload the config while the server is running you will want to type in the command.
/arena reload
I don't like putting in things that all people don't need. But what I can do is make a new match stage, onPostStart. Which you can then put options on. I don't have any options right now that don't allow a player to move, but I should be able to do something
Hello! Trying to wrap my head around your config setup. I'm able to manipulate the starting inventory of an arena match in the config for an "arena" type arena. My config has this line:
onSpawn: options: [deEnchant, giveItems, hunger=20, health=20] giveClass: default: gladiator items: - cookie: 5
So it will give then 5 cookies. However, I edited the arenas.yml file and added this line to override the items:
onSpawn: options: [giveItems] items: - bread: 5
If I'm understanding the concept, it should have given bread and not cookies but I"m getting cookies every time. Am I doing this wrong?
Also, my arenas are in a separate world so there is a 5 second or so load delay when the match starts. Is there anyway to get players to port into the arena then not be able to move or at least not be able to pvp for 5-6 seconds while their clients catch up and then the actual round starts? Thanks for any help you can offer!
That definitely is a bug. PM me with which version you are using, and any extra info, like do you have any errors on the console?
Classes are given by the config.yml. You can add and remove classes there. Just add them in the classes section. then scroll down and add which classes to give in the match type you want.
I like the random option.. I'll make sure to put that as an option the config.yml.
Hello again :P I've just recently had this problem with starting a tourney. It justs chooses random winners instead of teleporting them into the arena and letting them fight.
hi i have a question, are class's given via signs or does an op have to give it to you manually also are the arena's the same all the time or can you randomize them. thanks
vloc = visitor location. For people that want to warp in and watch the match, this is broken at the moment, but I will be bringing it back.
Elo is a way to rank how good players are, its used in chess and a lot of other games/sports. In BattleTracker you can also give your own ranking calculator if you know how to code.
Wonderful! Nice with the MySQL ^^
I'm trying to figure out what vloc and Elo is, i can't seem to find it in the wiki.