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UploadedOct 28, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.4.2
Changelog New Features:
- new option wgResetRegion : Resets the arena region to what it was when you typed /arena alter <arena> addregion.
- You will need to reselect the arena region and type the command again if you already are using regions.
3.7.0 New Features:
- Verified to work in 1.4.2, 3.6.10 should also work.
- Multiple of the same event can be run at the same time. (only one can be open at a time)
- New config option to let players be able to open/start events
- If true, when a player joins an event that could be open. The event is silently opened and the player joins.
- New option levelRange=<range> which can be used in preReqs: (also works with heroes)
- Example options: [levelRange=10-15] <- limit joining to players within the levels 10-15
- Real persistable fix
- Versioning fix
Warning If you did not make the change in 3.6.10
- Cosmetic change. You will need to edit your messages.yml slightly
prestart: '&eYour {matchname}&e match against {otherteam} starts in {time}.'
needs a '&e' ->
prestart: '&eYour {matchname}&e match against {otherteam}&e starts in {time}.'
This just makes sure that when team names are used the message looks correct