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UploadedOct 26, 2012
Size817.62 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.4.2
New Features:
- Basic support with Heroes. see Using Heroes
- when specifying spawns or teams you can now use either the number or the team name.
- '/arena alter <arena> 1' is now the same as 'arena alter <arena> red'
- new option ignoreMaxStackSize. Allows giving up to stacks of 64 for all items.
- new options for teleportation. Allows teleporting to different locations based on winner/loser/onDeath
- teleports can now be done on each match stage
- Team Names and Team Heads can now be configured in teamHeads.yml
- new option alwaysTeamNames. Forces joining players to have the name specified in teamHeads.yml
- Fix for selecting an arena when joining
- Fix for arenas with Persistable Maps
* Cosmetic change. You will need to edit your messages.yml slightly
prestart: '&eYour {matchname}&e match against {otherteam} starts in {time}.'
needs a '&e' --->
prestart: '&eYour {matchname}&e match against {otherteam}&e starts in {time}.'
This just makes sure that when team names are used the message looks correct