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BattleArena by BattlePlugins

A complete match and event framework for creating arenas and minigames in Minecraft. Supports creating modes through config files, or fully custom modes through plugins.

BattleArena allows you to create your own competitions on a Minecraft server through config files. Nearly all aspects of game logic are configurable, ranging from team sizes, spawn points, maps, game mechanics and many other features.


  • Arena isolation - Store/restore player items when joining or leaving competitions
  • Classes - Create custom kits or classes
  • Dueling - Configure dueling options for your competitions
  • Dynamic arenas - Scale up competitions in worlds on-demand
  • Scoreboards - Configure scoreboards for competitions
  • Statistic Tracking (with BattleTracker) - Store competition statistics and include leaderboards
  • Team configuration - Create solo or team-based competitions
  • Tournaments - Run bracket tournaments for any match type
  • World restoration - Restore maps once a competition ends

Default Modes

Active games in BattleArena are referred to as Competitions. BattleArena natively supports two competition types:


A game that is started when a certain condition is met (i.e. number of players), or is always active. These games can be joined at any time, as long as there are available maps. Common examples may include Spleef, SkyWars, Survival Games, or Capture the Flag.

A list of additional gamemodes can be found here.


A game that is started based on a certain interval, or when triggered by a server administrator. These games cannot be joined normally unless the event is active. Common examples may include a bracket tournament, deathmatch, or a free for all.

Builtin Match Types

  • Arena: Simple duels mode that you fight with what is given to you in the config.
  • Skirmish: You bring in items you want to fight with. The game is always running, and you can join and leave at any time.
  • Colosseum: 4v4 team deathmatch. Last team standing wins.
  • Battlegrounds: 1 minute match in which the winner is the player with the most kills.

Builtin Event Types

  • Free for All: A free for all deathmatch that starts every 30 minutes. Last player alive wins.
  • Deathmatch: A 2-minute event where if you die you respawn. The player with the highest number of kills wins.
  • Tournament: Bracket tournament for any number of teams.

User Guide

Most all of the configurable features in BattleArena will lie in the respective <arena>.yml files located in plugins/BattleArena/arenas. These can be modified, removed, and new ones can be added.

The full user guide for BattleArena can be found at the User Guide on the BattleDocs.

For Developers

BattleArena is highly extendable and has wide support for creating your own matches, events, and even competition types. It is an event driven framework, meaning external plugins can easily add or modify behavior in numerous ways.

Full documentation for the BattleArena API can be found on the Developer Guide on the BattleDocs.

Additional Extensions and Modules

BattleArena is a framework at heart, meaning that the base plugin comes with a very standard feature set, with the bulk of additional content coming from modules and extensions. The following extensions and modules build on top of BattleArena, and allow you to further extend BattleArena's capability.


These are plugins which add new modes to BattleArena.

  • ArenaSpleef - Adds Spleef to BattleArena
  • ArenaCTF - Adds Capture the Flag to BattleArena
  • ArenaPaintball - Adds a Paintball mode to BattleArena
  • ArenaParkour (coming soon) - Adds Parkour to BattleArena

Statistic Tracking

Statistics are tracked by our sister plugin BattleTracker. This adds functionality such as leaderboards and ranking to BattleArena. See the BattleTracker page for more information.


These extend on existing BattleArena functionality and can (often) be used in any mode, even custom ones.

Bundled: These modules come pre-installed with BattleArena.

  • Arena Resoration - Allows you to restore maps at the end of a competition from a WorldEdit schematic
  • Boundary Enforcer - Ensures that players do not leave the arena bounds while in a competition.
  • Classes - Adds custom classes (or kits) to BattleArena.
  • Duels - Allows you to duel other players in configured arenas.
  • One in the Chamber - Adds One in the Chamber support to BattleArena.
  • Scoreboards - Adds scoreboard support to BattleArena.
  • Team Colors - Changes the color of a player's name in arenas this module is enabled in.
  • Team Heads - Sets each player's head item to a wool item of their team color.
  • Tournaments - Adds bracket tournament support to BattleArena.
  • Vault Integration - Support for functionality with Vault, such as adding/removing currency or giving/removing permissions in arenas

Third Party:

  • PhatLoots - Support for configuring and resetting loot tables inside competitions.

A full list of party modules and plugins that utilize BattleArenacan be found on the Modules and Other Tools page on the BattleDocs.


Important Mentions

Special thanks to alkarin_v for writing the original BattleArena plugin back in 2011. While very little of the original code survives today, this laid the foundation of what would eventually become the BattlePlugins suite and the innovations that followed.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 27, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 30, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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