Default Config

Default Configuration

#BasicMessages - Created by Dev2Pet

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Variables | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
#You can use the Character '&' to make Color Codes
#Use %PLAYER% to get the Name of a Player
#Use %KILLER% to get the Name of the Killer on Death
#Use %COMMAND% to get the written Command in Unknown Command messages

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Configuration | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

#Use 'none' if you don't want any Message
FirstJoin: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &7The Player &8%PLAYER% &7is on this Server his first time!"
Join: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &7The Player &8%PLAYER% &7has joined the game"
Quit: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &7The Player &8%PLAYER% &7has left the game"
DeathByPlayer: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &7The Player &8%PLAYER% &7has been killed by &8%KILLER%"
OtherDeath: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &7The Player &8%PLAYER% &7has died"
UnknownCommand: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &7The Command &8%COMMAND% &7does not exist!"
ReloadBroadcast: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &cThe Server is going to get reloaded by &8%PLAYER%&7... Except some lags!"
ReloadPlayerMessage: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &7You have successfully reloaded the Server!"
ReloadDoneBroadcast: "&8[&6BasicMessages&8] &7The Server has reloaded with success. You can play now without any lags!"


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