BanReport 2.30


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  • Uploaded
    Mar 5, 2012
  • Size
    56.16 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.3-R0.1


Fixed error when /baninfo

reworked /warn to automatically ban after a given amount (set to 01242039785 to turn off)

Development build for those Interested

Updated for RB 1.1

Fixed SQLite database creation

Updated for RB 1.0.1

Made it so it's much easier to read additional information added ban histories with IPs added warnings database is much nicer

Fixed the databases not closing causing leaks.

Fixed /baninfo and added a banlist.html generation - Type /banexport html

Fixed the tempban not parsing time correctly.

changed replaceAll to replace so if you don't have certain arguments then it doesn't matter.

Fixed PermissionsEx

Fixed SQLite not creating table correctly

Added SQLite support

Fixed issues with names with uppercase

Changed permissions

Added support for configuration of messages (minimal)

Added /banexport and /banimport

Added more permissions.
