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    Aug 25, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.3.2-R0.1


Note: This is a pre-release! Anything in this update could harm or kill you, your family or your minecraftserver!
Please DO NOT update before making a backup of your files.
PLEASE report all bugs as fast as possible as A TICKET ( yeah a TICKET... as A TICKET!) on this site.

- Fixed another mysql-Bug when granting interests (#64) Please confirm!
- Added a money recieve notice (#60)
- Added new Messages for ChatSigns (#18)
- Added ChatTransfer-Signs (#18)
- Changed traditional Balancesigns (also XPBalance)
    If you want to create a Balancesign that shows the balance of the player interacting with it, you now need to write "<>" or "own" onto the third line


- Fixed lasttimeonline not updating onPlayerQuit AND onPlayerJoin
- Fixed transferxp not working as it should (#59)
- Fixed getting Balance not working for Offlineplayers (#46.3)
- Fixed XPDebit-ChatSign not working (#18)
- Fixed ScrollingSigns spamming the console
- Fixed recreating ChatSigns not working (#18)
- Polished ChatSigns-Dialog (#18)
    You can now exit the dialog by typing "exit"

Note: When updating from another pre-release to this version you need to remove all lastTimeOnline-entrys in your user.db (if you are using flatFile set them all to 22.08.2012; if you are using mysql run a delete statement on the table PREFIXlast_time_online for all entrys with PREFIX being specified in your config.yml

- Added PlayerChat-Signs (BETA). Creating a sign without specifying an amount now creates a new kind of sign. by clicking it a user can spcify a personal amount via chat/ a player to check his balance. This featurerequest has been along for a while now and i finally got my head into this. I would not suggest creating these signs right now because they could have some bugs. But if you wanna try it out feel free to do so.
- Fixed another mysql-Error on player reconnect
- Fixed a "ZinsenTimerTask"-Error
- Fixed ScrollingSigns

- Fixed the last error again...
- Fixed another mysql-errror
- Fixed setLastTimeOnline-mysql error (#58)
- Fixed mysql eror on startup (#57)
- Fixed an issue with signs
- Changed the flatFile-Format to an "one-File"-Solution
    Old FlatFile Data will convert the first time you use it
- Added a version number to the config - Please DO NOT CHANGE
- Added a command to clear the bank-database (banks.db
    /bcadmin cleanupbanks
    bankcraft.command.admin / bankcraft.command.cleanupbanks
    command.cleanupbanks in config.yml
- Added a command to see a short summary of a users account
    /bcadmin info <player>
    bankcraft.command.admin / bankcraft.command.info
    command.info in config.yml
- Added an automatic delete for a players account, which hasn't connected for a long time (#51)
    Note: This is turned off by default (-1). Use this with care as you could loose important data permanently by setting it too low.
- Added a death penalty. players can now loose X% of there banked money/xp on death (#42)
- Added Online/Offline interests. You can now give players different interests depending on their online/offline status when the interests are paid (#24)
- Added Debit/Deposit Fees. You can now set a percentage of every deposit/debit which will be taken away as a fee (#39)
- Added new variables for messages
    - %fee - Fee on deposits/debits of money
    - %feexp - Fee on deposits/debits of xp
    - %deathpenalty - Deathpenalty in % on money
    - %deathpenaltyxp - Deathpenalty in % on xp
- Removed interest/interestxp/loaninterest/loaninterestxp in config.yml
- Fixed interests not working with MySql (#47 and #48)
- Fixed transfer-command excepting names in lower case, which caused some issues (#43)
- Fixed MajorMinor.Version Java error (#37)
- Fixed 'java.lang.NumberFormatException For input string: "0.00"'-error
- Fixed not showing Balance of offline players (#46,3)
- Fixed wrong calculation of experience (#55)
    Note: Due to a change in the leveling up process in minecraft version 12w23a (since 1.3) this new calculation is not correct for MC1.2 or less! When updating this plugin while still using 1.2 or less please deactivate xpaccounts!
    This plugin is now using ExperienceManager by desht! Thanks for your great API! See this link for more information: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/experiencemanager-was-experienceutils-make-giving-taking-exp-a-bit-more-intuitive.54450/#post-1128846

NOTE: I could not test MySQL on my computer. Please use it with care and report every Bug!!!