
When you first look at the configuration files of bSpace in plugins/bSpace/, they might look giant to you. But I tell you, in the end they are very simple - you just need to get used to editing them. This wiki page has all default configuration files with comments for almost every setting. These comments can also be found in your very own configuration files.

Main Configuration File

This file is the heart of bSpace. This file has all main configuration and more. Planet generation settings, world generation settings, and language settings have their own separate file. You can see the version this configuration file is for in the header comment.


# bSpace v2 - Main Configuration File 
# ----------------------------------------
#     This configuration has a pretty      
#    huge amount of documentation, but     
#   if you still have questions, please    
#        ask on BukkitDev! Thanks.
# Debugging mode
debug: false
# Global settings
    # Spacesuit armortype
    armortype: iron
    # Spacehelmet block id
    blockid: 86
    # Other global settings
    givehelmet: false
    givesuit: false
    # Spout features (most features require Spoutcraft)
      use: true
      # False if clouds should be hidden
      clouds: false
      # True if gravity should be modified
      gravity: true
      # Space texture pack to use (if enabled)
      texturepack: ''
      # True if the space tex. pack should be used
      usetp: true
# Economy settings
  # True if economy should be enabled
  enabled: false
  # Enter and exit costs (when using bSpace's commands)
  entercommandcost: 20
  exitcommandcost: 20
  # Enter and exit costs
  entercost: 20
  exitcost: 20

Planet Generation Configuration File

This configuration file changes the way planets are generated in space worlds that have planets enabled.


# bSpace v2 - Planet Generation Configuration File 
# ----------------------------------------------------- 
#            This configuration has a pretty                   
#           huge amount of documentation, but                  
#          if you still have questions, please                 
#                ask on BukkitDev! Thanks.              
# Remember, these settings affect all space worlds with 
# planet generation turned on!
density: 1000
minDistance: 100
bedrock: false
# Alter this value if you want a floor
floorHeight: 0
# Minimum & maximum planet size
minSize: 10
maxSize: 40
# Minimum & maximum shell size
minShellSize: 10
maxShellSize: 20
    # Planet shells & probabilities
    - STONE-1.0
    - DIRT-1.0
    - LEAVES-0.9
    - ICE-0.9
    - SNOW_BLOCK-0.9
    - GLOWSTONE-0.4
    - BRICK-0.6
    - SANDSTONE-0.8
    - OBSIDIAN-0.5
    - WOOL-0.4
    - GLASS-0.9
    # Planet cores & probabilities
    - PUMPKIN-0.8
    - COAL_ORE-1.0
    - IRON_ORE-0.8
    - DIAMOND_ORE-0.4
    - CLAY-0.3
    - LAPIS_ORE-0.4
    - LOG-1.0
    - GOLD_ORE-0.6
    - REDSTONE_ORE-0.75
    - SAND-1.0
    - BEDROCK-0.5
    - AIR-1.0

ID Configuration File

This configuration file changes the way worlds are generated in spaceworlds. These are what goes after bSpace in the bukkit.yml or in world management plugins. This is done like so bSpace:<id>. If you want to know more, check here.


# bSpace v2 - IDs File 
# ----------------------------------------
#     This configuration has a pretty      
#    huge amount of documentation, but     
#   if you still have questions, please    
#        ask on BukkitDev! Thanks.
# Example ID
# This is an example ID, which is also the default one. 
# If you create one, do NOT use this one, name it something different, or else it WON'T work.
#    planets:
#        # World generation options
#        generation:
#            generateplanets: true
#            generateasteroids: true
#            generatesatellites: true
#            generatefloor: true
#            # If this is true, bSpace will look for schematics in plugins/bSpace/schematics! These will be used in world generation.
#            generateschematics: true
#            # From 1-200. These can be turned off with the generateasteroids-setting.
#            glowstonechance: 1
#            stonechance: 3
#            # From 1-1337. This can be turned off with the generatesatellites-setting.
#            satellitechance: 1
#            # From 1-200. This can be turned off with the generateschematics-setting.
#            schematicchance: 5
#            # Spout only generation settings
#            spout-only:
#                # True if black holes should be generated (will suck entities into it, once touching the block, death)
#                blackholes: true
#        # Spacesuit options
#        suit:
#            required: false
#        # Spacehelmet options
#        helmet:
#            required: false
#        # Breathing area options (the higher this is, the higher a "breathable" area can be.
#        maxroomheight: 5
#        # Miscellaneous options
#        weather: false
#        alwaysnight: true
#        neutralmobs: true
#        hostilemobs: false
############# YOUR ID'S HERE:
    # Example ID - totally empty (to simulate the old empty generator with the new one)
            generateplanets: false
            generateasteroids: false
            generatesatellites: false
            generatefloor: false
            generateschematics: false
            glowstonechance: 1
            stonechance: 3
            satellitechance: 1
            schematicchance: 5
                blackholes: false
            required: false
            required: false
        maxroomheight: 5
        weather: false
        alwaysnight: true
        neutralmobs: false
        hostilemobs: false

Language Configuration File

This configuration file can be used to change the messages/language of BananaSpace. This does not included messages that are sent with debugging on only.


# bSpace v2 - "Language" file (for localization purposes)
# ----------------------------------------
#     This configuration has a pretty      
#    huge amount of documentation, but     
#   if you still have questions, please    
#        ask on BukkitDev! Thanks.
# NOTE: Do not remove any node, just modify it! 
#       Also do not touch stuff like {version}, \n etc!
# General strings
  enabled: 'Enabled version {version}.'
  disabled: 'Disabled version {version}.'
  usagestats: 'The plugin will now start sending usage stats. You can disable this in plugins/stats!'
  configload: 'Generated {configfile} file.'
  configupdatestart: 'Starting to update configs for compatability with v2.'
  configupdatefinish: 'Your pre-v2 config.yml was succesfully converted to the new v2 format. Your worlds can now be found in ids.yml.'
  configupdatefailure: 'There was a problem converting configuration files to v2 format: {exception}'
# Command-related strings
  notinspace: 'You are not in space!'
  alreadyinthere: 'You are already in that space world!'
  # Do not remove the \n here, if you do, BS won't work!
  exitnotfound: "Exit destination not found, setting to default world spawn location.\nType '/space back' again to go there."
  worldnotspace: 'The world is not a space world!'
  worldnotfound: 'The world was not found!'
  listofspace: 'List of spaceworlds:'
# Other strings
  nopermission: "You don't have permission!"
  notenoughmoney: "You don't have enough money!"
  idnotfound: "An ID with the name '{idname}' does not exist in the config!"


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