Commands & Permissions

Commands & Permissions

  • Commands:
    • /ban <player> [message] - Bans a player with an optional message
    • /tempban <player> <days:hours:minutes:seconds> [message] - Temporarily bans a player for the set amount of time with an optional message
    • /banlist - List all of the banned players (both banned and temp-banned)
    • /ipbanlist - List all of the IP addresses of banned players
    • /warn <player> [message] - Warns a player with an optional message
    • /kick <player> [message] - Kicks a player with an optional message
    • /listwarnings <player> - Lists all of the active warnings placed on a player
    • /delwarning <ID> - Deletes a warning from a player by its ID
    • /mywarns - Lists the active warnings of the sender
    • /banip <player/address> [message] - Bans an IP address with an optional message
    • /tempbanip <player/address> <days:hours:minutes:seconds> [message] - Temp-bans an IP address with an optional message
    • /unbanip <player/address> [-f] - Unbans the specified IP (use the -f flag to force the unban of the exact address you enter)
    • /mute <player> [reason] - Mutes a player with an optional reason (for logging in the database)
    • /tempmute <player> <days:hours:minutes:seconds> [reason] - Temp-mutes a player for the specified amount of time with an optional reason (for logging purposes)
    • /unmute <player> - Un-mutes a muted player
    • /kickall - Kicks all players on the server.. Even ones with immunity to being kicked
    • /addstaff <player> - Used to add a player who won't be kicked when the server is in staff mode
    • /rmstaff <player> - Removes a player from the staff list, so they will be kicked when the server is in staff mode
    • /liststaff - Lists all staff mode bypassing players
    • /togglestaffmode - Toggles staff mode on and off
    • /purgewarnings <player> - Removes all warnings from a player
    • /banana reload - Reloads the plugin's configuration and language file
    • /baninfo <player> - Lists all relevant information about the specified player
  • Wild-Card Permissions:
    • banana.* - Gives you access to every permission within BANana (even the other * permissions)
    • banana.commands.* - Gives you access to every BANana command, but nothing else
    • banana.announcements.* - Gives you the ability to see every announcement from BANana, but nothing else
    • banana.notify.* - Gives you the ability to see every notification from BANana, but nothing else
    • banana.immune.* - Makes you immune to everything BANana can do (except /kickall and staff mode)
  • Command Permissions:
    • banana.commands.ban - Gives you access to /ban
    • banana.commands.tempban - Gives you access to /tempban
    • banana.commands.unban - Gives you access to /unban
    • banana.commands.banlist - Gives you acccess to /banlist
    • banana.commands.ipbanlist - Gives you access to /ipbanlist
    • banana.commands.unbanip - Gives you access to /unbanip
    • banana.commands.warn - Gives you access to /warn
    • banana.commands.listwarnings - Gives you access to /listwarnings
    • banana.commands.delwarning - Gives you access to /delwarning
    • banana.commands.mywarns - Gives you access to /mywarns (true by default)
    • banana.commands.banip - Gives you access to /banip
    • banana.commands.tempbanip - Gives you access to /tempbanip
    • banana.commands.mute - Gives you access to /mute
    • banana.commands.tempmute - Gives you access to /tempmute
    • banana.commands.unmute - Gives you access to /unmute
    • banana.commands.kickall - Gives you access to /kickall
    • banana.commands.addstaff - Gives you access to /addstaff
    • banana.commands.rmstaf - Gives you access to /rmstaff
    • banana.commands.liststaff - Gives you access to /liststaff
    • banana.commands.togglestaffmode - Gives you access to /togglestaffmode
    • banana.commands.purgewarnings - Gives you access to /purgewarnings
    • banana.commands.reload - Gives you access to /banana reload
    • banana.commands.baninfo - Gives you access to /baninfo
  • Announcement Permissions:
    • banana.announcements.receive - Base announcement receive perm (You need this to see all announcements)
    • banana.announcements.receive.kick - Allows you to see kick announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.ban - Allows you to see ban announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.mute - Allows you to see mute announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.tempban - Allows you to see tempban announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.banip - Allows you to see ip-ban announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.tempbanip - Allows you to see temp-ban-ip announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.tempmute - Allows you to see temp-mute announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.unban - Allows you to see unban announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.unmute - Allows you to see unmute announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.warning - Allows you see warning announcements
    • banana.announcements.receive.unbanip - Allows you to see ip unabnning announcements
  • Notification Permissions:
    • banana.notify.mute - Allows you to see mute notifications
    • banana.notify.tempmute - Allows you to see temp-mute notifications
    • banana.notify.unmute - Allows you to see unmute notifications
    • banana.notify.warning - Allows you to see warning notifications
  • Immunity Permissions:
    • banana.immune.ban - Makes you immune to being banned
    • banana.immune.banip - Makes you immune to being ip-banned
    • banana.immune.kick - Makes you immune to being kicked
    • banana.immune.mute - Makes you immune to being muted
    • banana.immune.tempban - Makes you immune to being temp-banned
    • banana.immune.tempbanip - Makes you immune to being ip-temp-banned
    • banana.immune.tempmute - Makes you immune to being temp-muted
    • banana.immune.warn - Makes you immune to being warned


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